Monday, September 30, 2019

Crime Rates Essay

What we usually have in mind when we talk about the crime rates is a well known fact that crime rates are increasing. So,people who are related to this issue should try to find a solution so as to solve the problem .Up to now many countries have tried to decrease crime rates. However,many of them have failed .Everybody has a significant roles so as to decrease the crime rates such as parents and governments. First of all, it is worth bearing in mind that parents should train their children so children will not change the crime rates .Thus,crime rates will not increase . Parents should raise awareness their children because according to research conducted children who are conscious about crime do not commit a crime besides parents should not leave unattended their children because generally rambling children have amount of influence on the crime rates.Also parents should be interested in their children .Experts said that slummy person involve in a crime easily .Therefore parents take care of their children. Read more:Â  Increasing Crime Rate in Today’s Society in India It is last but not least governments should make provision as fight with crimes because researchers believe that only if governments attach importance to crime rates , can they decrease the crime rates .Governments should provide equipments so as to overcome to crimes.Thanks to more equipments , governments can reduce the crime rates .Governments should be in contact with other governments because increasing of the crime rates are not seem just one government.So, they can help each other about this situation. To sum up Ä ±t should be noted that parents have a considerable amount of effect as decrease the crime rates .Nowadays every segment of society is looking for a way to solve as decrease the crime rates.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bilingual Education Essay

A deeper sense of xenophobia has descended on America recently. The sleepy rural town of Pahrump, NV, reflected this animosity when it passed an ordinance that made English the official language and made it illegal to display foreign flags without an accompanying American flag (Curtis, 2006). In an act of civil disobedience, two Pahrump residents placed a Polish flag and an Italian flag (in reference to their own ancestry) on their front porch (Curtis, 2006). Vandals drenched the Italian flag with eggs overnight (the Italian flag looks similar to the Mexican flag). A majority of the voting citizens of Pahrump would eventually overturn the polarizing ordinance. This incident reflects a salient truth: many monolingual Americans feel uncomfortable with the influx of Spanish-speaking peoples because of the perceived lack of assimilation by Hispanics. This xenophobic atmosphere has trickled onto the realm of education: a movement for the elimination of bilingual education in public schools has gained more attention recently. Proponents argue that using native languages in the classroom impedes national unity (Brisk, 1998). Others feel that bilingual education impedes learning. This research paper examines a possible cause of the anti-bilingual movement. It also examines some arguments and counter arguments of bilingual education. Although by definition bilingual education may include English and any foreign language, this paper focuses on the Spanish-speaking population because of the perception many have about the Hispanic community: that it resists conforming to American culture. Such sentiments have contributed to the anti-bilingual education movement that has descended in many parts of America. This is unfortunate because bilingual education programs actually promote assimilation into mainstream American society. Bilingual Education 3 The bilingual education debate, as mentioned in the introductory paragraph, has garnished more dialogue lately because of another hot button issue; immigration. Newscasts often flash images of â€Å"illegal aliens† crossing our borders. Many talk shows often feature lively debates concerning effects of the undocumented workforce. The immigration debate finally sparked a massive protest in 20006 with the â€Å"Day Without an Immigrant† boycott that would affect American schools and businesses (Lendon, 2006). The topic of bilingual education has inevitably entered the debate. Editorial writers often slip in their stances on bilingual education when discussing immigration issues. Pugnacious talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh often host acidic debates on bilingualism in the United States. This issue will certainly not evaporate any time soon. What many opponents of bilingual education fail to mention is that there is an elephant in the room: xenophobia. Many monolingual citizens fear that American culture as they know it is morphing into something foreign. Considering America’s rich, colorful immigrant history, this fear baffles the mind. Why would the descendants of Poles, Germans, Czechs, Italians, and other European immigrants express such concerns? Critics of America’s evolving culture should focus on the similarities between the immigrants of their ancestors and the plight of today’s average immigrant. Many of America’s ancestors landed on our shores at the turn of the 20th century (Calderon, Slavin, 2001). Their European ancestors, like today’s immigrants, had the same dreams that many of today’s immigrants have: to escape the abyss of poverty or war. Although many immigrants faced linguistic and cultural obstacles, many witnessed their children succeed in school and acquire economic security. According to Calderon and Slaven Bilingual Education 4 (2001), â€Å"School is the ladder by which children of immigrants climb out of poverty and into mainstream society† (p. 8). The goal of the immigrants of yesteryear was clearly to assimilate by means of a quality education. If education is a major ingredient for assimilation of immigrants into mainstream society, then society should embrace bilingual education. A starting point is literacy, since reading cuts across all academic subjects. An effective strategy involves using a child’s native language in literacy instruction. We generally acquire reading skills by reading (Smith, 1994). By providing a child with reading material in his/her primary language, we provide the student with a healthier, stronger academic base from which to build on. Once a child acquires these basic skills such as identifying phonic blends in his/her mother tongue, the student digests the given topic easier. Equipped with reading and content knowledge skills, the transition into literacy in a second language then becomes smoother for the English language learner. Truly, a child’s native language is the best initial medium of instruction (Brisk,1998). I did not realize how important using a child’s native language was until I experienced an obstacle with a native Spanish speaker several years ago. Using only English, I was trying to teach a student fresh from Mexico the concept of active and linking verbs. I soon realized that she had never learned these basics about her own native language, let alone grammar of the English language. I soon resorted to teaching her grammar in Spanish. After she mastered the subject, I transitioned what she learned into the initial English lesson that I had tried teaching her earlier. This experience lends credence to the point that scholars make: children still have a lot to learn about their Bilingual Education 5 native tongue upon entering American schools (Brisk, 1998). Despite the fact that research supports using native languages as a tool for literacy, many continue their resistance to bilingual education; they argue for an all-English atmosphere in schools. An indirect but serious consequence of this approach is the psychological effect it may have on many Latinos. Many agree that language is a key component of every culture (Blanc, 2000). By discouraging Spanish from the classroom, the limited English proficient (LEP) student may feel that his or her native language or culture has less value than the mainstream culture. This may produce a sense of inferiority in the mind of many Hispanics and may cause strife among different ethnicities. Ironically, this moves many Latinos away from the assimilation ideal, which opponents of bilingual education do not want. In addition to affecting the morale of the LEP community, eliminating bilingual education programs may increase the already sky-high Hispanic high school drop-out rate. Lack of academic success is one reason Hispanic youths quit school (Lockwood, 1996). By removing their limited access to research-based programs such as bilingual education, they may suffer even less academic success. Eventually, this may produce a Hispanic community full of low-skilled, poorly educated people. In other words, it may produce a subclass. Again, this moves Hispanics away from the assimilation goal cherished by many Americans. Regardless of the benefits of bilingual education, anti-bilingual sentiments continue percolating. Some resort to using other Latinos as a means for obtaining their anti-bilingual agenda. Some cite Richard Rodriguez’s In Hunger of Memory: the Bilingual Education 6 Education of Richard Rodriguez as a case against bilingual education (Krashen, 2007). Rodriguez, a Mexican immigrant, enjoyed great academic success and assimilated into American society despite the lack of bilingual education. Some average Hispanics parallel Rodriquez’s anti-bilingual education stances. Forty-three-year-old waitress Ana Julia Duncan, daughter of Mexican nationals, received minimal bilingual services in the third grade (personal communication). Despite this fact, academically she performed moderately well (personal communication). Because of her success in school, Duncan feels that bilingualism has little value: â€Å"I didn’t speak English when I started school. I did OK. Why can’t anybody else do OK? † Unfortunately, her way of thinking strikes a familiar chord with other Latinos in her same situation. The Rodriquez and Duncan stories seem to act as support for the elimination of bilingual education. However, neither person represent the average, modern English language learner. In Rodriquez’s case, he grew up in a predominately white neighborhood (Kreshen, 2007). As a result, he was exposed to the English language a lot more than the average Spanish speaker. Since a child’s socio-cultural environment plays a major role in his or her intellectual development (Gregory, 2004), Rodriguez’s success should not surprise many. His peers, in essence, acted as quasi-tutors. Duncan’s situation parallels Rodriguez’s upbringing: she too grew up in a mainly white neighborhood (personal communication). Therefore she too received informal training or input from her peers. A majority of Hispanic LEP students, by contrast, live in predominately Spanish-speaking neighborhoods and lack the advantages Rodriguez and Duncan had as children (Kreshen, 2007). Bilingual Education 7 Despite the flaws in using Rodriguez and Duncan as microcosms in the bilingual education debate, some nevertheless insist in a total immersion approach in our schools. Although total immersion has no credible supporting evidence (Crawford, 2007), from a personal point of view, it does have a tinge of value. I had virtually no English-speaking skills as a very young child. My parents were Mexican nationals; my father worked at the post office while my mother stayed at home with the children. Thus, I had virtually no exposure to English. Upon entering my predominantly white kindergarten class in 1970, I realized that I was basically on my own since there were no other Latino children in that particular class. However, this sink or swim situation had a benefit. Within a year, I spoke conversational English. By the first grade, I became fairly fluent in English and would earn average grades. In my opinion, total immersion did play a role in my acquiring salient English skills. Unfortunately, by the time I reached the second grade, I felt as if I lost a part of my identity: I lost a good deal of my native language. I forgot some major Spanish vocabulary words, I started having trouble pronouncing many polysyllabic words, and I had developed a slight gringo accent. Mexican children noticed this and would often make fun of my awkward Spanish. To make things worse, my English skills still needed improvement. The presence of bilingual education may have prevented some of my linguistic obstacles by helping me maintain a healthy language base in both English and Spanish. Luckily, some of my teachers noticed my problem and placed me in a bilingual program along with three other students. One was in the same situation as myself; the Bilingual Education 8 other two were predominately proficient in Spanish who lacked major English skills. The bilingual teacher helped us maintain our strengths and helped correct our weaknesses by using our native language as a medium for instruction. By the end of the school year, I felt more confident. This research paper starts out with an anecdote that depicts a rural Nevada town struggling with xenophobia; it had voted in an English-only ordinance. Then, a connection between xenophobia in America and the anti-bilingual education movement is unveiled. Despite the fact that some school districts have pupils from as many as 130 different countries (Crawford, 2004), this paper focuses on the Spanish speaking English language learner because of a major criticism the Hispanic community endures; that it resists assimilation into the mainstream American culture. A â€Å"solution† for the this problem is the elimination of bilingual education programs in public schools. Proponents claim this would strengthen national unity. However, as this research paper demonstrates, purging such programs would actually gear the Hispanic English language learner away from assimilation, not towards it. If many opponents of bilingualism have their way, American schools will eventually have a monolithic, cookie-cutter approach to teaching its student population. In the United States, a country made from a rich tapestry of immigrants, this scenario would be very un-American. Bilingual Education 9 References Blanc, M. H. A. , & Hamers, J. (2000). Bilinguality and Bilingualism. England : Cambridge University Press. Summary: This book is a very elevated, academic piece of work. It provides the reader with a guideline to language behavior, tools to measure levels of bilingualism, and addresses bilingual development. Other areas the book concentrates on include the cognitive development of the bilingual mind, and the cognitive consequences of the bilingual behavior. Brisk, M. E. (1998) Bilingual Education: From Compensatory to Quality Education. Mahway, New Jersey: Cambridge University Press. Summary: This book examines the traditional debates about bilingual education. It also examines influences, both internal and external, on the bilingual student’s education. The author presents strategies for implementing quality bilingual services. Calderon, M. , & Slavin, R. (2001). Effective Programs for Latino Students. Mahway, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Summary: This book highlights programs that have worked well for the Hispanic population. It also addresses the unacceptable high drop-out rate of Latino high school students. The book goes a step further by unveiling the needs of higher-education for Hispanics, an area that has received relatively little attention. The authors also explain why many Latinos are at risk in America. Curtis, Lynette. (2006, Nov. 15). Pahrump Targets Illegal Immigrants. The Las Vegas Review Journal. Curtis, Lynette. (2006, Nov. 23). Backlash: Pahrump flag ban won’t fly. The Las Vegas Review Journal. Lockwood, A. T. Caring, Community, and Personalization: Strategies to Combat the Hispanic Dropout Problem. (1996). â€Å"Advances in Hispanic Education, 1. † Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Education. Summary: This book focuses on the dangerously real issue of the Latino dropout issue. T Gregory, E. , Long, S. , & Volk. (2004). Many Pathways to Literacy: Young Children Learning with Siblings, Grandparents, Peers, and Communities. New York: Routledge Falmer. Summary: This book looks at literacy, including bilingual literacy, using a sociocultural approach. It taps into the family structure in various ethnic groups. The book addresses bilingual education in the home and highlights the benefits of this strategy. The authors unveil the importance of using cultural norms as a means to teach literacy (such as story-telling). Another aspect of this piece is its assessment of children’s everyday life experience and how that impacts learning. On a personal note, this book didn’t really catch my eye at first because it didn’t focus on Hispanics specifically. I am happy that I finally opened it up because I was able to see some parallels between the Hispanic experiences and other ethnic groups. Krashen, Stephen. ( 1997). Why Bilingual Education? Eric Digest. Retrieved April 4, 2006 from http://www. ericdigests. org/1997-3/bilingual. html. Lendon, Brad. (2006, May 1). US prepares for ‘A Day Without an Immigrant. ’ Retrieved on April 4, 2007, from http://www. cnn. com/2006/US/04/28/boycott/ Smith, F. (1994). Understanding reading: A psycholinguistic analysis of reading and learning to read (5th ed. ). Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum. .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Role of Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Role of Music - Essay Example This essay discusses that music is a powerful medium in the society that helps in controlling communication. Songs assist in sharing meaning and promote development and maintenance of individual groups. For instance, the protest songs are used in showing the composition of social conditions that are prevalent in a society during a particular time. Protests could be used to fight against racism, an abolition of hierarchy, elimination of women suffering and crudity. In the community, protest songs are a powerful tool that helps individuals explore some of the iconic and evocative moments in history. The primary function of the work songs is to mental rather than physical. During the enslavement of the Negros, the white people encouraged them to sing these songs as an illusion for the body to work mechanically. The songs sang accommodated the type of work that they did and, as a result, some songs were developed. Work songs help individuals to be more efficient.This paper declares thatà ‚  music promotes unity in the society. The protest songs are formed as a result of people coming together in agreement to oppose a particular thing. They give a sense of unity and allowchange; this especially can be seen throughout the American history. The use of music at work allows everybody to take part in the discourse practices of labor activities with a uniformity of the mind.  Blue music helps in the relaxation of the mind, during leisure time or when traveling long distances.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company - Essay Example For comparison purposes, it will also tackle the marketing performance of Motel 6. Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company is popular due to its upscale, luxury brand of hotels and resorts with locations in major cities in the United States and other internationally famous destinations such as Montego Bay, Jamaica, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Bali, Hong Kong and Qatar. The hotel company owns 59 hotels in 20 countries 37 of which are hotels while 22 are resorts. The operation of the hotel company began in 1983 with the purchase of the Ritz-Carlton, Boston by William B. Johnson. However, the legacy of the hotel is attributed to the celebrated "king of hoteliers and hotelier to kings," Csar Ritz. The company states that "his philosophy of service and innovations redefined the luxury hotel experience in Europe through his management of The Ritz in Paris and The Carlton in London." The company's quest of providing quality accommodation and service named it one of the best hotels in the world as it consistently reaped awards from prestigious organizations like Forbes, Travel Weekly, Luxu ry Institute, and Consumer Reports. In 2006, it was awarded the Mobil Five-Star Award and AAA Five Diamond Award. On the other hand, Motel 6 is a large budget motel chain the United States and Canada. It was founded in Santa Barbara, California in 1962. The company got its name from the original room rate which was $6 a night. The brand's commitment of offering value at low prices enabled it to expand rapidly. Currently, the motel chain is in more than 840 locations with approximately 870, 000 rooms in the United States and Canada. The company also boasts of being the largest owned and operated hotel chain in America, thanks to Accor the largest hotel operator. MARKET SEGMENTATION Market segmentation is defined as the "division of market into homogenous group of consumers (Market Segmentation 1)." Market segmentation is a very essential tool in devising an effective marketing strategy for a firm. Market segmentation allows every company to develop marketing strategies for each segment to maximize product profitability. This tool enables the company to gain competitive market positioning as well as deliver maximum customer value. Ritz-Carlton's market segmentation can be seen on its different product offerings. The company irrefutably utilized geographic, psychographic, as well as behavioral factors in designing their product line. In terms of geographic it can be noticed that Ritz-Carlton offers accommodation in four key strategic locations-tourist spots, business districts, metropolitan, and countryside. The company offers luxurious accommodations in scenic tourists' destinations like Bali, Milan, and Barcelona as well as in the business districts of New York, Tokyo, and Dubai International Financial Center. Metropolitan like areas like Seoul and Kula Lumpur as well as the countryside of Florida and Montego Bay are conquered by the pleasure offered by Ritz Carlton. In terms of psychographic and behavioral factors, Ritz-Carlton segments its market by looking at the general and specific interests of its customers. The hotel company divides its target company according to the purpose of their use of facility. Three

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How do Managers Attempt to Solve the Labour Problem Essay

How do Managers Attempt to Solve the Labour Problem - Essay Example However, the organisations in the post-modern era are also affected by the conflicts between the labours or the workers and the managers who are liable to supervise and control them. Conflicts or disputes may also arise within an organisation amid the co-workers which are again to be managed efficiently by the managers. According to most of the recent studies based on a similar context, it have been revealed that disputes between managers and the subordinate employees have emerged to be a common phenomenon in majority of the organisations irrespective of their size or industry (Bratton & Gold, 2011: 238). The discussion in this paper will consider the concept of ‘right to manage’ possessed by the organisational managers and its impact on the schemas adopted by them to control the workplace disputes. The traditional and the contemporary methods will further be taken into consideration so as to identify the constraints faced by the managers in dealing with the issue. Hereb y, the ultimate objective of the paper will be to provide a rational explanation to the strategies adopted by the managers in an attempt to minimise the disputes arising within the workplace. The Concept of ‘Right to Manage’ The concept of ‘right to manage’ in this context deals with the fundamental or principle responsibilities of the managers to control the disputes between the organisation and its employees along with those taking place amid the employees working together (Storey, 1983: 98). According to Harris (1982: 98), managerial strategies adopted so as to control this issue are largely depended on the managerial prerogative approach adhered by the organisations operating in an economy. For instance, during the post world-war situation in 1944 and the later years, organisations in the American economy witnessed significant discrepancies in relation to labour disputes. One of the main causes for these issues to take place was the sudden increase of p roduction in the industries due to the inclusion of more efficient techniques and machineries. This in turn forced the industry players to sell in larger proportion to manage the flow of production and thus maintain their break-even point at a sustainable position. The inclusion of up-to-date technologies also resulted in higher cost of production motivating the industry players to adopt cost retrenchment measures. It is in this context that the organisations had to witness noteworthy issues related to labour resistance and insignificant co-operation among the workers. Although the problem of overcapacity was minimised in the later years, the disputes between the management and the labours still existed (Harris, 1982: 102). With reference to this illustration or the situation faced by organisations in the later period of the second world-war, it can be stated that managerial prerogative to consider either their ‘property rights’ or their ‘right to contract’ or both has a significant impact on the disputes between the labour force and the management. The ‘property management rights’ indicate the quantitative aspects of managerial ideology, i.e. to increase the profitability, competency and market share of the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The future of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Dissertation

The future of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) - Dissertation Example Experts suggest that the energy industry takes a step towards this, because if they concentrate on making sustainable energy resources, they could play a crucial role in conserving energy (Williams, pp. 23-25, 2002). Thus, this has become a priority amongst car builders, manufacturers, and other people responsible. They are now concentrating on creating automobiles that will be most helpful in sustaining energies. Thus, the proposed research would be one small but significant step towards these efforts. Research Statement In this regard, the researcher will endeavor on the below-mentioned research statement to fulfill the aims and objectives of the research: â€Å"To identify and analyze the future of Liquefied Petroleum Gas in the energy market globally† LITERATURE REVIEW A study conducted by Qi, Bian, Ma, Zhang & Liu (2006) found out that Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a viable option and solution to the increasing pollution in China. Widespread use of LPG would mean that the country would emit lesser pollutants and dangerous gases due to the consumption of diesel and petrol based fuels. However, the study also recommended that for ensuring LPG has a bright future, experts will have to work to reduce the effects of one major disadvantage caused by LPG, and that be of the high auto-ignition temperature. The study experiments with the effects of replacing a diesel based automobiles with LPG-Diesel blended fuels at various blended rates that are 0 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent, 30 percent and 40 percent. The effects that were under examination were related to the engine performance and exhaust emissions that revealed that the effects on engine performance did not witness any significant impact; however, with increased LPG volume, the emission of sulfur and carbon oxides did decrease dramatically. Important here to note is that these findings are not in line with the findings of various other studies which have believed that LPG use as a car fuel incre ases hydrocarbon emissions (Gilbert & Perl, pp. 74-78, 2008; Song, Hsu, & Mochida, pp. 52-58, 2000). The Indian scientists, Ahuja, Dash & Shrivastava (2011) under the umbrella of â€Å"Department of Burns, Plastic, Maxillofacial, and Microvascular Surgery† in a recent research have revealed that LPG cylinders used for cooking are much safer in Indian households as compared to other means used for cooking. Furthermore, most of the LPG related incidents, which were reported in Indian households over the past 17 months, were in majority a result of negligence and inability to take care of the instruments. The study took into account various factors such as â€Å"age, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, literacy level, type of family unit, marital status, type of dwelling unit, mode of injury and its exact mechanism, place of incident, level of cooking stove, extent of burns† (Ahuja, Dash, & Shrivastava, 2011). In addition, some of the other factors were â€Å"presenc e of features of inhalation injury, number of patients affected in a single mishap, size of Liquified Petroleum Gas cylinder used, length of hospital stay and mortality† (Ahuja, Dash, & Shrivastava, 2011). Towards, the end it concluded that it is much safer for the lower and middle class Indian households, which are using kerosene related instruments for cooking. Therefore, the provincial governments should giver subsidy on the Liquified

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Project management as imperative for business organization Essay

Project management as imperative for business organization - Essay Example Project management has been depicted as a finely developed and a well recognized and accepted domain of professional expertise and as a sphere for academic study geared at promoting improvements in a system (White and Fortune, 2002). It likewise presents a logical and an efficient methodology to all phases of a project by ascertaining that every move and every step is meticulously conceptualized, supervised, monitored and accounted for. At the outset, its application was intended for big organizations with intricate systems and processes; however, contemporary techniques of project management can be modified and tailored to suit the needs of the smaller firms (Baccarini, 1999). In essence, project management is not just a process or a method; it is really more of a "mindset," thus, it is imperative for business organization owners or those in the higher echelon of firm management to be receptive to its potentials toward progress before it can be initiated as a constructive and a valuable process within the organization. Definition/Principles As a concept, project management has been in existence for centuries with its casual use of the Chinese and Egyptians that led to remarkable undertakings like the Great Wall of China and the Pyramids. Nonetheless, as a contemporary phenomenon, it has gained so much attention, focus and acceptance in the Information Technology industry as rapid developments continue to flow (Fox 2004). In a treatise centering on the significant components of effective project management, it has been inferred that - "In any project situation, there is a client/customer who has a unique need which requires knowledge and resources to conduct the realization of the concept within the specific constraints of time, money and specification. The effective management processes of planning, monitoring and control are required to translate the idea of change into tangible deliverables" (Cicmil, 1997). As it is, project management is a novel process whose implementation has become a great necessity in today's competitive market. To endeavor the completion of any project entails several elements and obstructions, among them are client special requirements, project complexity, organizational restructuring and project risks (Kerzner, 2003). With a methodical procedure in place, obstructions can be explained and courses of actions and suitable measures can be taken to either prevent or overcome them. Some of the many potential benefits project management provides include (Kerzner 2003): Identification of functional responsibilities ensuring that all activities are accounted for; Identification of time limits for scheduling; Measurement of accomplishment against plans; Early identification of problems; and Improved estimating capability PMI (2000) supplied a straightforward description and characterization of the term which depicts it as "the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project requirements." As the concept of project management surfaces, three core stimuli are involved (Baccarini, 1999): 1. Complexity - refers to the mounting intricacies of responsibilities and the necessity for higher levels in the spheres of expertise 2. Change - deals with progressively active settings and the continuous presence of pressure within organizations and the execution of change due to global competition 3. Time - refers to the demands for responsibilities, assignments and objectives to be

Monday, September 23, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Philosophy - Essay Example An analysis of the philosophical works of Plato and his representations of Socrates together with Marx’s Communist Manifesto informs of the ideological underpinnings of philosophy and its contribution to Western philosophy. Socrates’ died in much the same way as he lived: exuding in his philosophical logic that the body and the soul are separate entities. In Jacques-Louis David’s (1787) Death of Socrates the ancient Greek philosopher is sitting on his death bed and is about to take hemlock from his executioner, but he remains animated and talkative. The impression left by the painting is that while his disciples and the executioner are profoundly saddened by his death, Socrates continues to believe in his philosophy that the soul is timeless although the body is not. David’s (1787) painting therefore represents the perpetuation of Socrates’ philosophy. Within ten years of Socrates’ death, his philosophical ideologies were carried over by Plat o, one of his most ardent students/disciples (Graham, 1992). Much of Plato’s philosophical writings appear to be a mere â€Å"reproduction of speeches delivered by other persons† particularly Socrates (Merlan, 1947, p. 406). ... Thus Plato invites profound logic and thinking about the distinction between what an individual knows and what an individual believes in determining by logical deduction that which is representative of the truth. In Western justice systems, jurors are instructed to assess the evidence and to determine for themselves what they believe to be a true and just verdict. Jurors are not instructed to arrive at the actual truth. Thus Plato’s Theaetetus can be said to inform the mechanisms of the Western justice system’s fact finding purpose. Plato once again revisits the issue of knowledge through a dialogue with Socrates in The Republic. Plato questions whether or not the man who professes ignorance is more knowledgeable than the politician who purports to know all things when he does not (Plato, 2000). Through Socrates and his dialogue with a number of Greeks, Plato focuses on a debate that underpins theories of justice, politics, morality and knowledge. Thus The Republic is o ften described as one of the greatest influences on Western philosophy (Blackburn, 2008). Plato’s Republic examines the meaning of justice and explores whether or not it is achieved via the fear or threat of punishment. The dialogue in The Republic asks a series of questions relative to justice and social order and ultimately concludes that justice is necessary. Essentially, Plato constructs the ideal politically just society which consists of different classes of individual within an hierarchal construct (Plato, 2000). Plato’s Apology is yet another immortalization of Socrates and expresses Socrates defense at this trial. Socrates was put on trial for failure to follow the Gods

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Nanotechnology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nanotechnology - Essay Example 1342-1347; Roco, 2001,pp. 225-233; Singh, Olson, & Maher, 2007, pp. 189-190; Takagi , Hirose A, Nishimura, Fukumori, Ogato, Ohashi, Kitajima & Kanno, 2008, pp. 105-116; Takenaka ,Karg , Roth, Schulz , Ziesenis, Heinzmann, Chramel, & Heyder, 2001, 547-461; Tinkle, Antonini, Roberts , Salmen, DePree & Adkins, 2003, pp, 1202-1208; Tran, BuBuchanan, Cullen, Searl, Jones, & Donaldson, 2000, pp, 1113-1126; Vincent & Clement, 2000, pp. 2673-2682. ). Describe the down and bottom up approach to nanotechnology There are two approaches in synthesizing nano materials and the creation of nano structures. These are top-down and bottom-up approaches (Gitam University, 2013). Top down approach is the slicing or successive cutting of a bulk material to get nano sized particle (Gitam University, 2013; Srinivasan, 2008, p. 1-3; Sullivan, 2001, pp. 51-53).  Ã‚  Bottom up approach, on the other hand, refers to the build-up of a material from the bottom (Gitam University, 2013). This means materials are reduced atom by atom, molecule by molecule or cluster by cluster. Both approaches are considered crucial in the development of modern nano industry and both possessed advantages and disadvantages (Gitam University, 2013).   Experts cited that process of attrition or milling is a common top down method in establishing nano particles while the colloidal dispersion is a bottom up type approach in synthesizing nano particles (Gitam University, 2013; Iqbal, Preece, & Mendes, 2012, p, 1). Experts explained that the problem with top down approach is the surface structure imperfection and the potential crystallographic damages in the construction method (Gitam University, 2013). This posed additional challenges in the architectural design and fabrication of matters although the application remained favourable to the production of nano materials albeit some limitations and risks posed by researchers (Gitam University, 2013; Brown, 2002, p. 1). Notwithstanding defects, nanotech continues t o play an important role in the synthesis of nano structures (Gitam University, 2013). The century is experiencing this advancement. This is even done in the production of salt and nitrate in chemical industry(Gitam University, 2013; Institute Of Nanotechnology, 2003, p, 245). Long ago, people are already content to use rock salt as mixture and for food preservation. These days, there are already iodized salt that are reduced into minute particles in the market. Hence, tools are now made with nanometer scale to produce nano structures with less defects, and more homogeneous chemical composition (Gitam University, 2013; Institute Of Nanotechnology, 2003, p, 245). Unlike the bottom up approach, the top-down method introduces internal stress, surface defects and possible contamination. To further cite an example, electronic integrated circuits are created using top-down process with limitations described (Gitam University, 2013; Institute Of Nanotechnology, 2003, p, 245). Bottom-up app roach assembles materials in supramolecular chemistry that combined an alternative route (Gitam University, 2013; Institute Of Nanotechnology, 2003, p, 245). Indicate the current stage of technology progress towards each of these. The development of laptops, microchips for information archiving, production of scanning tunneling microscope, digital cameras with zooming lenses that capture and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Culturally Inclusive Classrooms Essay Example for Free

Culturally Inclusive Classrooms Essay How to build culturally inclusive and resilient ELEMENTARY classrooms and what types of supports are in communities that can facilitate student efforts to overcome cultural gaps in the home and in the school (elementary/secondary school level) A culturally inclusive classroom may consist of extremely diverse ethnic composition of students. With new immigration, more and more students are entering school, with little or no knowledge of English and have diverse educational and cultural backgrounds. A recent study on 400 school children in California shows that only 4% of enrolled children come from a single racial group (Chang, 1993). This has resulted in making of classrooms that have students coming from various nationalities, languages, social and economic backgrounds. The growing diversity is not only a problem to the teachers who are not adequately equipped to handle them, but also to parents, who are not sure whether the child’s adaptation will help him or alienate him from his community. Efforts are made to give prominence to the learning of the children with diverse backgrounds. Anti-bias curricula, use of home language and culture of the child, is recommended by National Assessment for Education of Young children, to foster learning of English and basic skills. It aims to make the first school experience a positive one. The forum on the Future of Children and Families held a workshop in 1993 in order to frame a sketch, to assess the scope of adequacy of research in early education of culturally diverse children. It tried to assess the most important factors in the early childhood education of a diverse group of students. Efforts were made to understand the influence of culture on human development and emphasis was laid on examining differences within culture and outside culture. Claude Goldenberg warned against treatment of culture as ‘straitjacket that predetermines the learning experience that children benefit from’ ( Goldenberg . C. 1987). It was observed and accepted that exposure at home influenced the adaptation of the children to school norms and environment. The workshop structured three questions that came up as a result of in depth study. These were- †¢ What role was played by the culture and home experience in shaping learning opportunities? †¢ How the cultural and linguistic background of children affects the knowledge skills and expectations they bring with them? †¢ How should the nature of instruction vary with learning and motivation from various backgrounds? A child has to learn the rules of two environments home and school from his pre school days i. e. , age of 3-4 years. Children who face a language and culture thoroughly different at home and school face a lot of conflicts about behavior which might result in incompatibility. Researchers have found that inconsistency in home and school make learning difficult and adjustments uneasy. The children who do not have some insightful understanding of alphabets and numbers are likely to be left behind in class. Sharon, Griffin and her colleagues (Case and Griffin, 1990, Griffin, Case and Siegler 1992) noticed striking difference in the understanding of maths in low income groups. Claude Goldenberg his colleagues designed an intervention to improve the early literacy achievement of Spanish speaking children in Kindergarten. Timothy Shanahan and his colleagues designed the FLAME project to enable parents with limited expertise in Spanish to improve literacy achievements of their children. Both the projects on evaluation showed significant positive effects on the children’s literacy achievement, Goldenberg reported that control group which received structured instructions outperformed those with informal intervention. Research shows that guided learning at home can effect children’s adjustment in classrooms. Children who remain unaware of such guidance become incompatible in learning, may retreat from learning and even become disruptive. It also showed that there was no proof to suggest that children are constrained by culture in their learning abilities. Social Setting of learning constituted teaching, learning and performance. Research with Hawaiian families showed that ( Gallimore, Boggs and Jordan, 1974) children were accustomed to learning in peer interactions and indirect supervision from teachers exhibited a decline in disruptive and inattentive behavior. Classrooms fostering independent learning seemed alien to these students. Study made on Navajo children (Vogl, Jordan and Tharp , 1987) brought in the fact that peer group study was less prevalent in this culture. Effective classrooms brought out best performance when the children were allowed to work independently- as they did in their communities. Culture shapes conversations and paces response patterns. Pueblo Indian children give more elaborate responses and have spontaneous participation when given enough response time. (Winterton, 1977). Native Hawaiian students when given long waiting time are inhibited in participation. (White Tharp, 1988). Claude Goldenberg found that children learn in accustomed way of entering into a speech- guided by their culture. Latino –American students corroborated this experience, whose mothers use highly directive pattern of communication. Research evidence points to the fact that certain amount of compatibility between home and school culture is required to improve classroom activities. Goldenberg says â€Å"with the exception of same studies of cooperative learning and bilingual education, the experimental evidence linking cultural compatible instructions scholastic outcome can be very tenuous†. Constancy in school environment may not be always wanted. Yet some parents seek it so that the child is exposed to different educational experiences. For a child, the process of adjustment to varied environment at school and home may prove beneficial in future years of schooling and multicultural environment. Differences in the two environments may compliment and reinforce their learning. A culturally inclusive environment requires mutual respect, effective relationships, clear communication, explicit understandings about expectations and critical self –reflection. (Flinders University). In a culturally inclusive environment a student will be allowed to express his opinion freely, participate in classroom’s activities, experience stress free classes with no fear of unfair treatment or abuse. It also facilitates that teachers are approachable and open to concepts and ideas from different culture, allow diversity and promote a relaxed setting of learning. When teaching students from diverse background, a teacher needs to plan out his instruction with attention and care, with skills and strategies, specialized with an array of educational aids and materials. He has to keep in mind certain facts about his students, their experience in school, home and outside school and design the curriculum in accordance with their exposure. It should also be guided by the strengths and weaknesses of their experience. Teachers need to connect to the experience of his students. Reading about flowers, fruits, animals children are not familiar with in their culture or may not have been exposed to, makes it meaning less for the child. Readings to build vocabulary and comprehension are meaningful, when the child can connect to it. He also understands that his views are being respected, making him feel secure . Children are intelligent to sense if the support for diverse culture is superficial or genuine. Ysseldyke, Algozzine Thurlow point out that a teacher needs to ask himself if the curriculum is tailored to the interest of the student, are the study materials used in any way reflective of cultural or ethnic diversity. He also needs to be aware of the learning styles adapted by his students. The curriculum needs to be complete and accurate and have materials for all the students. It should avoid being symbolic and should not make the underrepresented group feel ‘the other’. Check should be made to see that the curriculum does not discriminate. Teaching materials used should be unbiased and un-oppressive (male centric, race centric etc). The content must explore a large angle of variety, be accurate and complete. Students need to be made aware about the issues of social justice. Lessons on racism, sexism, classism and other forms of oppression need to be facilitated and discussed in class, to enhance the awareness. In the assessment student feedback should be encouraged. Teachers should work with each other and critically appreciate each others work . Teachers could introduce various awareness activities in the class. Participants can introduce themselves and share their ethnicity, similarities and diversities with other members of the group Students may be encouraged to speak on their multi-cultural experiences . Some activities may include students sharing their identity through a poem. Sharing experiences of prejudices or discrimination as a sufferer or doer, personal experience of gender-bias may be discussed. Students can be encouraged to relate aspects of their personality, identity. Feeling of inclusion or exclusion in a learning process and multicultural awareness quiz etc may be conducted. A model developed by Australian Ministries of Education, aimed at education of educational equality of indigenous people, focused on three areas- community, school and classroom. Parents, Teachers, care givers, and previous school needed to be involved in a common understanding and adopting new approach to teaching of students from multicultural backgrounds. Strong partnerships between school and homemakers made the study supportive. School officials had the duty to look after and assist each student in the development of essential skills and attitude of the students to work independently, cooperatively and responsibly. The programs monitoring and assessment provided vital clues to the future direction of the curriculum. It stated the importance of assessment made as a joint effort between students, parents and community members who provide important input in the assessment. The data collected by various workshops and research points out to the fact that there is more room for study to be made on improvising culturally inclusive schools, classrooms. Very few teachers are trained and equipped to handle such diverse culture classes. Coordination between community and schools are wanted, to make a complete, homogeneous education to students from diverse cultural background. . References Case, R. , and S. Griffin 1990 Child cognitive development: The role of central conceptual structures in the development of scientific and social thought. In C-A. Hauert ed. , Developmental Psychology: Cognitive, Perceptuo-Motor and Psychological Perspectives. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. Chang, H. 1993 Affirming Childrens Roots: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Early Care and Education. San Francisco, Calif. : California Tomorrow. Gallimore, R. , J. W. Boggs, and C. Jordan 1974 Culture, Behavior, and Education: A Study of Hawaiian-Americans. Beverly Hills, Calif. : Sage. Goldenberg, C. 1987 Low-income Hispanic parents contributions to their first-grade childrens word-recognition skills. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 18:149-179. In press. Promoting early literacy development among Spanish-speaking children: Lessons from two studies. In E. Hiebert, ed. , Teaching Children to Read: The State of Early Interventions. Boston, Mass. : Allyn Bacon Griffin, S. , R. Case, and R. Siegler 1992 Rightstart: Providing the Central Conceptual Prerequisites for First Formal Learning of Arithmetic to Students at Risk for School Failure. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Education, Clark University. Howard Weiner, Adelphi University, Garden city, New York, Culturally Insulated Students : Assessing the Diversity Disposition Cap in a Predominantly White University with a New Instrument, the Culturally Responsive Educator Test. Journal of Authentic Learning, Volume 2, Number 1, September 2005. National Association for the Education of Young Children 1989 The Anti-bias Curriculum: Tools for Empowering Young Children. Washington, D. C. : National Association for the Education of Young Children. National Association for Family Day Care 1990 Helping Children Love Themselves and Others: A Professional Handbook for Family Day Care Providers. Washington, D. C. : National Association for Family Day Care.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Fragrance Advertising and Brand Study

Fragrance Advertising and Brand Study INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT What is Brand? â€Å"Brand is the personality that identifies a product, service or company (name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or combination of them) and how it relates to customers.† Brand is a name or symbol that is commonly known to identify a company or its products and separate them from the competition. A well-known brand is generally regarded as one that people will recognise, often even if they do not know about the company or its products/services. These are usually the businesses name or the name of a product, although it can also include the name of a feature or style of a product. Brand Positioning In marketing, positioning has come to mean the process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market for its product, brand, or organization. Also positioning is defined as the way by which the marketer creates impression in the customers mind. The task of the marketer is to mould consumer perceptions so as to occupy the desired position for his brand. Perceptions or brand positions can be changed even if the product is the same; this is known as repositioning of a brand. Positioning has four components. The first component is the product class or the product category in which the brand is to operate. The second is the consumer segmentation. It is impossible to think of a position for a brand without, at the same time, considering the segment for which offers benefits that other brands do not. The third is the mapping of the brand in the consumer mind. Brand benefits and attributes make up the fourth component of positioning. A consumer can allot a position in her mind only to a brand whose benefits are meaningful to her. The search for vacant positions in the market must be conducted with reference to the product benefits and the preferred importance of such benefits. The position that we seek in a consumers mind is based upon the knowledge of the consumers perception of the product category. What is the imprint of the various brand in the Definition from Wikipedia The position that we seek in a consumers mind is based upon the knowledge of the consumers perception of the product category. What is the imprint of the various brand in the consumers mind? Is there a vacant position? The answers lead us to a product concept and the emotional or psychological values which it must offer. The position which a brand seeks in the target customers mind is influenced by its functional features or attributes. The attribute must be such as to make the position credible. The position of the brand is also influenced by its non- functional features comprising functional as well as emotional or psychological values. Positioning is the pursuit of differential advantage. One of the major contribution of positioning theory to marketing strategy has been to bring out the concept of dissimilarity between the brands in the minds of target consumers and to uncover the many opportunities for such perceived differentiation based upon the capabilities of the product. Who am I? What am I? For whom am I? Why me? The answers to these would determine the brands position in the mind of the consumers. Except for the most basic necessities, consumers buy product both for their functional benefits and their symbolic meanings. Consumers prefer to buy those products and brands that match best with their image of themselves. Brands can be, and are likened to people; they acquire human characteristics. This is known as brand personality. It refers to the symbolic and emotional characteristics of a brand. Positioning is something (perception) that happens in the minds of the target market. It is the aggregate perception the market has of a particular company, product or service in relation to their perceptions of the competitors in the same category. It will happen whether or not a companys management is proactive, reactive or passive about the on-going process of evolving a position. But a company can positively influence the perceptions through enlightened strategic actions. COMPANY PROFILE McNroe Consumer Products Pvt Ltd 14,Netaji Subhas Road. Kolkata Phone- +91 33 22102095 Vision To become the most admirable grooming and lifestyle brand in India. The booming young adult population with high disposable income is more conscious of the latest trends than ever before. Keeping pace with changing times, the company is sharply focused to create and offer great products to the Indian Youth. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The company was originated in the year 1986 as McNROE Chemicals. Promoted by Mr. N.K Daga. He is currently a Director in the company. McNROE Chemicals was incorporated as McNROE Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. On 26th July 1996. In September, 2009 the name of the Company changed as â€Å"McNROE Consumer Products Pvt. Ltd. with a view to reflect the aspiration to be a personal care Company. The company operates on a sound understanding of fragrance and its relevance to customers. The business of the Company grew in size and stature and in first 10 years of its business successfully expanded the area of distribution of its products to the states of Eastern North East India and North Central India. PRESENT STATUS Presently the company is a 140 crore company. The companys distribution network spans across Dealers, sales agents, CF agents and Super Stockist. Company brands are distributed across the country through a team of 1200 distributors covering 380000 Retail outlets. The Company has its manufacturing units in the state of Uttaranchal. The company is currently building capability to enter and serve Modern Trade Outlets. The marketing strategy of the company has been consulted by the Future Brands. MAJOR BRANDS HEAVENS GARDEN Products- Talcum Powder, Skin Care (Anti septic Cream, cold cream, moisturizing lotion) SECRET TEMPTATION (Female Range) Products- Talcum powder, perfumeries (perfumes deodorants) WILD STONE (Male Range) Products- Talcum Powders, perfumeries (perfumes deodorants), Skin care products (Shaving cream, After shave lotion, Shaving brush, Soap) Premium range of cosmetics is marketed under the brand name SECRET TEMPTATION and WILDSTONE for female and male range respectively. Mass family segment is marketed under the brand name HEAVENS GARDEN. The range of products of company include talcum powder, cold cream, anti septic cream, deodorant, spray perfume, moisturizing lotion, After Shave Lotion, Soap. INTRODUCTION TO THE BRAND WILD STONE Living life on the edge can be intensely pleasurable. Wild Stone is for the man who enjoys unshackled pleasure Wild Stone is a quintessentially male brand, providing personal care products for young Indian males. Rough and rugged, it does away with the controlled norms of social interaction, taking contact between men and women to an elemental, instinctual level. Wild Stone bases its products on the changing needs of Indias youth. Wild Stone answers the need for fragrance on the go, with its Deodorants and Perfumes. The strong fragrances are ideally suited for Indian weather conditions. Soaps and shaving products complete a mans personal care ritual. With a wide range of fine fragrances, Wild Stone offers an international experience to its users. The brand was started in the year 2005, targeting the middle class working people. Their products are targeted at the uber-masculine male â€Å"who loves living life on the edge†. Wild Stone markets itself as the masculine and mysterious brand in the Indian market. The brand is targeted at male aged 22-28. All its campaigns revolve around this central theme of seduction where girls make the first move. The feeling of being seduced gives a big boost of self confidence to a man. Along with these, the brand also ensures that customers are constantly engaged with new fragrances and campaigns. The company started the brand with a tagline â€Å"Wild by nature†. They moved on to the â€Å"Barely Legal† tagline which was more subtle and had sexual Undertones. Now the brand has again a new Tagline â€Å"It happens†. The new tagline gives a message that Wild Stone man doesnt have to Try Too Hard†. Brand anchor is â€Å"Dangerous Liaisons† and the brand destination is to become â€Å"The iconic Indian Male Fantasy brand that owns the space of Indian sensuality†. Wild Stone has grown rapidly over the last two years, to emerge as the number three brand in the fastest growing FMCG category today. It is the top brand in several states, has achieved universal awareness. With a clearly differentiated position, and strong growth across categories, Wild Stone is set for success. Wild Stone has become one amongst the top three brands in the Indian deodorant market within few years of its launch. Wild Stone deodorant has a national market share of 7.4%. PRODUCTS Deodorants TalcShaving cream Soap Aftershave Lotion DEODORANTS Night Rider Green, aromatic,floral, woody, musky Wild Stone Wild Stone Aqua Fresh Citrus, spicy, floral, ambery, woody, musky Aqua freshness with citrus and amber. Wild Stone Raw Passion Aromatic, green, citrus, slightly fruity, ambery, woody, musky Sparkling, energetic irresistibly masculine. Wild Stone Ultra Sensual Aromatic, lavender, rosemary, spicy fresh, woody, musky The classic fragrance of the Wild Stone man. Wild Stone Hydra Energy Citrus, fresh, lavender, spicy, aromatic, green,woody, ambery, musky Refreshing fragrance, perfect to begin your day. Wild Stone Forest Spice Green citrus, lavender, aromatic, spicy, woody, powdery, musky Adventurous to the core. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY To study the deodorants industry in India To study the companys desired consumer perception of its brand WILDSTONE To make an in depth study and analysis of the actual brand perception of the consumers To locate gaps, if any, between the desired and actual brand perception Recommend strategies, based on my project study results, to plug such gaps. Research design and methodology Sources of data collection The study is a cross sectional study. Data was collected at a single point of time. For the purpose of present study a related sample of population were chosen for the sake of convenience. Primary data: It is the data collected afresh or for the first time OR It is data which is collected by the researcher directly from the respondents. There are various methods of data collection. The ones I have used are:- Observation : Data is collected based on observation done in the market Interview method:. Collected some information by informal interviews by the target consumers at different places to formulate the correct questionnaire. Questions related to the survey were asked on one to one basis Questionnaire: Designing the questionnaire Ø Multiple choice questions Ø Scaling Ø Subjective Method of sampling It refers to the method to be applied and the technique to be used in selecting the sample. Random sampling A sampling process where each element in the target population has a equal chance or probability of inclusion in the sample. Judgmental Sampling The selection of a unit, from the population based on the judgment. Judgment sampling involves the choice of subjects who are most advantageously placed or in the best position to provide the information required. They could reasonably be expected to have expert knowledge by virtue of having gone through the experience and processes themselves and might perhaps be able to provide good data or information to the researcher. Sample size A sample is a part of the total population .It can be an individual or a group of elements selected from the population. Although it is a subset it is representative of the population. The Sample size is 120. Questionnaire The questionnaire format was made in accordance to the research objective. However the questionnaire was modified as the survey progressed for the purpose of seeking more authentic information to enhance post survey analysis The questionnaire format is available in the annexure Research methodology It is a set of systematic techniques used by scientific researchers. During execution, the framework should always indicate the purpose of what one is doing at that moment The research methodology used is Descriptive Analysis study: Descriptive research (or statistical research)  § This research describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, when, where and how  § Although the data description is factual, accurate and systematic, the research cannot describe what caused the situation.  § The description is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations.  § Qualitative research often has the aim of description and researchers may follow it up with examinations of why the observations exist and what the implications of the findings are. In brief, descriptive research deals with everything that can be counted and studied. However there are always restrictions to that. Our research must have an impact to the lives of people around us. Similarly the results of this project will be beneficial to both the company and the consumers since the company will use these key findings about the consumers brand and consumption perception to design its marketing and other strategical concepts to position the brand in the consumers mind. ANALYSIS OF THE STUDY As mentioned the project is relating to mapping the consumer perception about the brand WILDSTONE. Evaluating the different framework available for conducting the survey. Then shorlisting the appropriate framework. For this project KAPFERERs BRAND IDENTITY PRISM have been considered for the survey. Brand Identity Prism Kapferer has developed a brand identity prism where he distinguishes a sender and recipient side, plus an externalisation and internalisation side. The 6 identity facets express the tangible and intangible characteristics of the brand and give it a unique authority and legitimacy of values and benefits. The six facets of the identity prism can be described as- Physique -Physique is both the brands backbone and its tangible added value. It is the basis of the brand. An exterior tangible facet communicating physical specificities, colour, form and brand qualities. Personality- An internal intangible facet which forms the character, soul and brand personality which are relevant for brands. Culture- An internal intangible facet to integrate the brand into the organization which is essential in differentiating brands. It symbolises the organization and the value it stands for. Here culture means the set of values feeding the brands inspiration. Relationship- It is the handshake between the consumer and the organization. Reflection It is the consumers perception about the product. Self image-If reflection is a targets outward mirror, self image is the targets own internal mirror. Through our attitude towards certain bran, we indeed develop a certain type of internal relationship with ourselves. An external intangible facet reflecting the customer attitude towards the brand. These six facets define the identity of the brand as well as the boundaries within which it is free to change or to develop. It demonstrates that these facets are all interrelated and form a well structured entity. Kapferers brand identity prism defines the following: The brands particular vision and aim What makes the brand different What need is the brand fulfilling What are the value or values What is its permanent nature What are the signs which make it recognizable BRAND IDENTITY PRISM OF WILD STONE DATA ANALYSIS The following are the results of the survey done for the brand Wild Stone.The questionnaire was designed based on the Brand Identity Prism.The 6 identity facets of the prism express the tangible and intangible characteristics of the brand and give it a unique authority and legitimacy of values and benefits. 1. What is your Profession? 69 percent of the target consumers were serviced based people. 31 percent people were business men. 2. Why do you use deodorant? A question was asked by the people relating to the utility of deodorant to them.43 percent of the people use deodorant for freshness. 23 percent of the target consumers use it for removing body odor. 3. From where do you purchase deodorant? 4. How do you give importance to the factors while purchasing a deodorant? (Rank 1 for the highest priority and 5 for the lowest) When the target consumers were asked about the priority they have before purchasing a deodorant for themselves, 43 percent people go for the fragrance. They give importance to the smell of the deodorant. 27 percent give importance to the brand of the deodorant. 5. Which brand of deodorant do you use? (The survey was done for the 3 brands of deodorants. Axe, Park Avenue and Wild Stone. The survey of the customer was not considered if he used any other brand of deodorant.) 48 percent of the target consumers are the users of AXE, an HUL product. Axe holds the major share among the other brands of deodorants i.e Park Avenue and Wild Stone which holds 24 and 28 percent respectively. PHYSIQUE An exterior tangible facet communicating physical specificities, colour, form and brand qualities. Physique is the starting point of branding and therefore it forms the brands backbone. 6. How do you recognize the Wild Stone products? * More than 1 answer was also given by the target consumers. For eg. a consumer may say that he recognize the product by the color and logo. An open ended question was asked by the target customers about the recognition of the Wild Stone brand. The question was asked by the consumers to know what makes them recognize the brand Wild Stone. As surveyed with 120 target consumers, 64 percent people recognize the Wild Stone brand products by the color. Around 12 percent people recognize by the logo unit of the brand. Only 17 percent people were able to recognize the logo unit of the brand i.e. the Scratch Mark. Few people recognized the product from their overall packaging unit. 7. Which color comes to your mind when you think of the Wild Stone product? * More than 1 answer was also given by the target consumers. Again an open ended question was asked to the target consumers to know what color comes in their mind when they think about the Wild Stone brand.39 percent of the target consumers responded the color black .17 percent consumers perception matched with the companys view i.e. the color Silver .The company associated silver with the brand. As the color silver signifies self-confidence and self-assurance. However, majority chose the color black with the brand. 8. Other than the Brand name, what symbol in the product helps you recognize the product? Logo unit helps to recognize the brand easily. Logo units are the representatives of the brands. Only 22 of the target consumers recognized the symbol in the product i.e. the scratch marks. PERSONALITY An internal intangible facet which forms the character, soul and brand personality which are relevant for brands. 9. If Wild Stone a man, which age group should he belong to? The brand identity prism focuses on the personality of the brand. The intangible facets like the age, the character etc. of the brand. The company has positioned the brand to reflect the person belonging to the age group between 22-28. Around 56 percent of the people matched with the companys perception.31 percent of the target consumers perceives the brand to belong to the age group of 18-22. 10. Which celebrity would you suggest who should endorse Wild Stone? As the company says the brand is definitely for male. Wild Stone markets itself as the masculine and mysterious brand in the Indian market. All its campaign revolve around the central theme of seduction where girls make the first move. Had Wild Stone been a person, its appearance would have been a masculine type. Company feels the brand as the masculine and the mysterious type.38 percent of the target consumer feels that Akshay Kumar is the better choice who can endorse the brand. Akshay Kumar the action hero is known better for his masculine nature. So the majority feel Akshay Kumar as the best option for endorsing this brand. They have the same perception as the company. Company also positioned the brand as mysterious if a person.And around 32 percent of the target consumers feel Emraan Hashmi (better known for his mysterious characters in Bollywoodmovies) can be a better option for endorsing the brand. 11. What sort of games would Wild Stone play, if a man? ENJOYS A HINT OF DANGER The Wild Stone brand as a person will enjoy a hint of danger. Company positioned it as a brand which enjoys the risk and adventure. The danger with that adventure is enjoyed. Bungee jumping is considered as the most dangerous game among the options given. 20 people of the total 120 believe that the brand Wild Stone if a person will enjoy Bungee Jumping. But 48 out of 120 believe that Wild Stone as a person will enjoy river rafting the most as it appeals more thrilling and adventurous. REFLECTION- An exterior facet with tangible and intangible areas, and defines the behaviour that identifies the brand the way the brand connect to its customers. 12. If Wild Stone were a person, rate the following attributes: (1 denotes for Strongly Agree and 5 for strongly disagree) CULTURE- An internal intangible facet to integrate the brand into the organization which is essential in differentiating brands. It symbolises the organization and the value it stands for. 13. If Wild Stone a person, please rank its modernity. The company positioned the brand to be modern. It belongs to the young generation. 58 percent of the target consumers feel the same. 14. If Wild Stone a person, which nationality would he belong? The nationality plays an important role in understanding the cultural background of the brand the consumers would associate it to. The brand belongs to the Indian Nationality.58 percent of the target consumers say that the brand is the Indian brand. It belongs to the Indian nationality.17 percent of the target consumers say that the brand is of American nationality. SELF IMAGE Self-image is the external intangible facet reflecting the customers attitude towards the brand. These inner thoughts connect personal inner relationship with the brand. So called: the target internal mirror 15. Describe people who will be users of Wild Stone brand. * More than 1 answer was also given by the target consumers. When the Wild Stone users were asked about how they feel when they use the Wild Stone deodorants or how they fe Fragrance Advertising and Brand Study Fragrance Advertising and Brand Study INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT What is Brand? â€Å"Brand is the personality that identifies a product, service or company (name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or combination of them) and how it relates to customers.† Brand is a name or symbol that is commonly known to identify a company or its products and separate them from the competition. A well-known brand is generally regarded as one that people will recognise, often even if they do not know about the company or its products/services. These are usually the businesses name or the name of a product, although it can also include the name of a feature or style of a product. Brand Positioning In marketing, positioning has come to mean the process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market for its product, brand, or organization. Also positioning is defined as the way by which the marketer creates impression in the customers mind. The task of the marketer is to mould consumer perceptions so as to occupy the desired position for his brand. Perceptions or brand positions can be changed even if the product is the same; this is known as repositioning of a brand. Positioning has four components. The first component is the product class or the product category in which the brand is to operate. The second is the consumer segmentation. It is impossible to think of a position for a brand without, at the same time, considering the segment for which offers benefits that other brands do not. The third is the mapping of the brand in the consumer mind. Brand benefits and attributes make up the fourth component of positioning. A consumer can allot a position in her mind only to a brand whose benefits are meaningful to her. The search for vacant positions in the market must be conducted with reference to the product benefits and the preferred importance of such benefits. The position that we seek in a consumers mind is based upon the knowledge of the consumers perception of the product category. What is the imprint of the various brand in the Definition from Wikipedia The position that we seek in a consumers mind is based upon the knowledge of the consumers perception of the product category. What is the imprint of the various brand in the consumers mind? Is there a vacant position? The answers lead us to a product concept and the emotional or psychological values which it must offer. The position which a brand seeks in the target customers mind is influenced by its functional features or attributes. The attribute must be such as to make the position credible. The position of the brand is also influenced by its non- functional features comprising functional as well as emotional or psychological values. Positioning is the pursuit of differential advantage. One of the major contribution of positioning theory to marketing strategy has been to bring out the concept of dissimilarity between the brands in the minds of target consumers and to uncover the many opportunities for such perceived differentiation based upon the capabilities of the product. Who am I? What am I? For whom am I? Why me? The answers to these would determine the brands position in the mind of the consumers. Except for the most basic necessities, consumers buy product both for their functional benefits and their symbolic meanings. Consumers prefer to buy those products and brands that match best with their image of themselves. Brands can be, and are likened to people; they acquire human characteristics. This is known as brand personality. It refers to the symbolic and emotional characteristics of a brand. Positioning is something (perception) that happens in the minds of the target market. It is the aggregate perception the market has of a particular company, product or service in relation to their perceptions of the competitors in the same category. It will happen whether or not a companys management is proactive, reactive or passive about the on-going process of evolving a position. But a company can positively influence the perceptions through enlightened strategic actions. COMPANY PROFILE McNroe Consumer Products Pvt Ltd 14,Netaji Subhas Road. Kolkata Phone- +91 33 22102095 Vision To become the most admirable grooming and lifestyle brand in India. The booming young adult population with high disposable income is more conscious of the latest trends than ever before. Keeping pace with changing times, the company is sharply focused to create and offer great products to the Indian Youth. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The company was originated in the year 1986 as McNROE Chemicals. Promoted by Mr. N.K Daga. He is currently a Director in the company. McNROE Chemicals was incorporated as McNROE Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. On 26th July 1996. In September, 2009 the name of the Company changed as â€Å"McNROE Consumer Products Pvt. Ltd. with a view to reflect the aspiration to be a personal care Company. The company operates on a sound understanding of fragrance and its relevance to customers. The business of the Company grew in size and stature and in first 10 years of its business successfully expanded the area of distribution of its products to the states of Eastern North East India and North Central India. PRESENT STATUS Presently the company is a 140 crore company. The companys distribution network spans across Dealers, sales agents, CF agents and Super Stockist. Company brands are distributed across the country through a team of 1200 distributors covering 380000 Retail outlets. The Company has its manufacturing units in the state of Uttaranchal. The company is currently building capability to enter and serve Modern Trade Outlets. The marketing strategy of the company has been consulted by the Future Brands. MAJOR BRANDS HEAVENS GARDEN Products- Talcum Powder, Skin Care (Anti septic Cream, cold cream, moisturizing lotion) SECRET TEMPTATION (Female Range) Products- Talcum powder, perfumeries (perfumes deodorants) WILD STONE (Male Range) Products- Talcum Powders, perfumeries (perfumes deodorants), Skin care products (Shaving cream, After shave lotion, Shaving brush, Soap) Premium range of cosmetics is marketed under the brand name SECRET TEMPTATION and WILDSTONE for female and male range respectively. Mass family segment is marketed under the brand name HEAVENS GARDEN. The range of products of company include talcum powder, cold cream, anti septic cream, deodorant, spray perfume, moisturizing lotion, After Shave Lotion, Soap. INTRODUCTION TO THE BRAND WILD STONE Living life on the edge can be intensely pleasurable. Wild Stone is for the man who enjoys unshackled pleasure Wild Stone is a quintessentially male brand, providing personal care products for young Indian males. Rough and rugged, it does away with the controlled norms of social interaction, taking contact between men and women to an elemental, instinctual level. Wild Stone bases its products on the changing needs of Indias youth. Wild Stone answers the need for fragrance on the go, with its Deodorants and Perfumes. The strong fragrances are ideally suited for Indian weather conditions. Soaps and shaving products complete a mans personal care ritual. With a wide range of fine fragrances, Wild Stone offers an international experience to its users. The brand was started in the year 2005, targeting the middle class working people. Their products are targeted at the uber-masculine male â€Å"who loves living life on the edge†. Wild Stone markets itself as the masculine and mysterious brand in the Indian market. The brand is targeted at male aged 22-28. All its campaigns revolve around this central theme of seduction where girls make the first move. The feeling of being seduced gives a big boost of self confidence to a man. Along with these, the brand also ensures that customers are constantly engaged with new fragrances and campaigns. The company started the brand with a tagline â€Å"Wild by nature†. They moved on to the â€Å"Barely Legal† tagline which was more subtle and had sexual Undertones. Now the brand has again a new Tagline â€Å"It happens†. The new tagline gives a message that Wild Stone man doesnt have to Try Too Hard†. Brand anchor is â€Å"Dangerous Liaisons† and the brand destination is to become â€Å"The iconic Indian Male Fantasy brand that owns the space of Indian sensuality†. Wild Stone has grown rapidly over the last two years, to emerge as the number three brand in the fastest growing FMCG category today. It is the top brand in several states, has achieved universal awareness. With a clearly differentiated position, and strong growth across categories, Wild Stone is set for success. Wild Stone has become one amongst the top three brands in the Indian deodorant market within few years of its launch. Wild Stone deodorant has a national market share of 7.4%. PRODUCTS Deodorants TalcShaving cream Soap Aftershave Lotion DEODORANTS Night Rider Green, aromatic,floral, woody, musky Wild Stone Wild Stone Aqua Fresh Citrus, spicy, floral, ambery, woody, musky Aqua freshness with citrus and amber. Wild Stone Raw Passion Aromatic, green, citrus, slightly fruity, ambery, woody, musky Sparkling, energetic irresistibly masculine. Wild Stone Ultra Sensual Aromatic, lavender, rosemary, spicy fresh, woody, musky The classic fragrance of the Wild Stone man. Wild Stone Hydra Energy Citrus, fresh, lavender, spicy, aromatic, green,woody, ambery, musky Refreshing fragrance, perfect to begin your day. Wild Stone Forest Spice Green citrus, lavender, aromatic, spicy, woody, powdery, musky Adventurous to the core. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY To study the deodorants industry in India To study the companys desired consumer perception of its brand WILDSTONE To make an in depth study and analysis of the actual brand perception of the consumers To locate gaps, if any, between the desired and actual brand perception Recommend strategies, based on my project study results, to plug such gaps. Research design and methodology Sources of data collection The study is a cross sectional study. Data was collected at a single point of time. For the purpose of present study a related sample of population were chosen for the sake of convenience. Primary data: It is the data collected afresh or for the first time OR It is data which is collected by the researcher directly from the respondents. There are various methods of data collection. The ones I have used are:- Observation : Data is collected based on observation done in the market Interview method:. Collected some information by informal interviews by the target consumers at different places to formulate the correct questionnaire. Questions related to the survey were asked on one to one basis Questionnaire: Designing the questionnaire Ø Multiple choice questions Ø Scaling Ø Subjective Method of sampling It refers to the method to be applied and the technique to be used in selecting the sample. Random sampling A sampling process where each element in the target population has a equal chance or probability of inclusion in the sample. Judgmental Sampling The selection of a unit, from the population based on the judgment. Judgment sampling involves the choice of subjects who are most advantageously placed or in the best position to provide the information required. They could reasonably be expected to have expert knowledge by virtue of having gone through the experience and processes themselves and might perhaps be able to provide good data or information to the researcher. Sample size A sample is a part of the total population .It can be an individual or a group of elements selected from the population. Although it is a subset it is representative of the population. The Sample size is 120. Questionnaire The questionnaire format was made in accordance to the research objective. However the questionnaire was modified as the survey progressed for the purpose of seeking more authentic information to enhance post survey analysis The questionnaire format is available in the annexure Research methodology It is a set of systematic techniques used by scientific researchers. During execution, the framework should always indicate the purpose of what one is doing at that moment The research methodology used is Descriptive Analysis study: Descriptive research (or statistical research)  § This research describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, when, where and how  § Although the data description is factual, accurate and systematic, the research cannot describe what caused the situation.  § The description is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations.  § Qualitative research often has the aim of description and researchers may follow it up with examinations of why the observations exist and what the implications of the findings are. In brief, descriptive research deals with everything that can be counted and studied. However there are always restrictions to that. Our research must have an impact to the lives of people around us. Similarly the results of this project will be beneficial to both the company and the consumers since the company will use these key findings about the consumers brand and consumption perception to design its marketing and other strategical concepts to position the brand in the consumers mind. ANALYSIS OF THE STUDY As mentioned the project is relating to mapping the consumer perception about the brand WILDSTONE. Evaluating the different framework available for conducting the survey. Then shorlisting the appropriate framework. For this project KAPFERERs BRAND IDENTITY PRISM have been considered for the survey. Brand Identity Prism Kapferer has developed a brand identity prism where he distinguishes a sender and recipient side, plus an externalisation and internalisation side. The 6 identity facets express the tangible and intangible characteristics of the brand and give it a unique authority and legitimacy of values and benefits. The six facets of the identity prism can be described as- Physique -Physique is both the brands backbone and its tangible added value. It is the basis of the brand. An exterior tangible facet communicating physical specificities, colour, form and brand qualities. Personality- An internal intangible facet which forms the character, soul and brand personality which are relevant for brands. Culture- An internal intangible facet to integrate the brand into the organization which is essential in differentiating brands. It symbolises the organization and the value it stands for. Here culture means the set of values feeding the brands inspiration. Relationship- It is the handshake between the consumer and the organization. Reflection It is the consumers perception about the product. Self image-If reflection is a targets outward mirror, self image is the targets own internal mirror. Through our attitude towards certain bran, we indeed develop a certain type of internal relationship with ourselves. An external intangible facet reflecting the customer attitude towards the brand. These six facets define the identity of the brand as well as the boundaries within which it is free to change or to develop. It demonstrates that these facets are all interrelated and form a well structured entity. Kapferers brand identity prism defines the following: The brands particular vision and aim What makes the brand different What need is the brand fulfilling What are the value or values What is its permanent nature What are the signs which make it recognizable BRAND IDENTITY PRISM OF WILD STONE DATA ANALYSIS The following are the results of the survey done for the brand Wild Stone.The questionnaire was designed based on the Brand Identity Prism.The 6 identity facets of the prism express the tangible and intangible characteristics of the brand and give it a unique authority and legitimacy of values and benefits. 1. What is your Profession? 69 percent of the target consumers were serviced based people. 31 percent people were business men. 2. Why do you use deodorant? A question was asked by the people relating to the utility of deodorant to them.43 percent of the people use deodorant for freshness. 23 percent of the target consumers use it for removing body odor. 3. From where do you purchase deodorant? 4. How do you give importance to the factors while purchasing a deodorant? (Rank 1 for the highest priority and 5 for the lowest) When the target consumers were asked about the priority they have before purchasing a deodorant for themselves, 43 percent people go for the fragrance. They give importance to the smell of the deodorant. 27 percent give importance to the brand of the deodorant. 5. Which brand of deodorant do you use? (The survey was done for the 3 brands of deodorants. Axe, Park Avenue and Wild Stone. The survey of the customer was not considered if he used any other brand of deodorant.) 48 percent of the target consumers are the users of AXE, an HUL product. Axe holds the major share among the other brands of deodorants i.e Park Avenue and Wild Stone which holds 24 and 28 percent respectively. PHYSIQUE An exterior tangible facet communicating physical specificities, colour, form and brand qualities. Physique is the starting point of branding and therefore it forms the brands backbone. 6. How do you recognize the Wild Stone products? * More than 1 answer was also given by the target consumers. For eg. a consumer may say that he recognize the product by the color and logo. An open ended question was asked by the target customers about the recognition of the Wild Stone brand. The question was asked by the consumers to know what makes them recognize the brand Wild Stone. As surveyed with 120 target consumers, 64 percent people recognize the Wild Stone brand products by the color. Around 12 percent people recognize by the logo unit of the brand. Only 17 percent people were able to recognize the logo unit of the brand i.e. the Scratch Mark. Few people recognized the product from their overall packaging unit. 7. Which color comes to your mind when you think of the Wild Stone product? * More than 1 answer was also given by the target consumers. Again an open ended question was asked to the target consumers to know what color comes in their mind when they think about the Wild Stone brand.39 percent of the target consumers responded the color black .17 percent consumers perception matched with the companys view i.e. the color Silver .The company associated silver with the brand. As the color silver signifies self-confidence and self-assurance. However, majority chose the color black with the brand. 8. Other than the Brand name, what symbol in the product helps you recognize the product? Logo unit helps to recognize the brand easily. Logo units are the representatives of the brands. Only 22 of the target consumers recognized the symbol in the product i.e. the scratch marks. PERSONALITY An internal intangible facet which forms the character, soul and brand personality which are relevant for brands. 9. If Wild Stone a man, which age group should he belong to? The brand identity prism focuses on the personality of the brand. The intangible facets like the age, the character etc. of the brand. The company has positioned the brand to reflect the person belonging to the age group between 22-28. Around 56 percent of the people matched with the companys perception.31 percent of the target consumers perceives the brand to belong to the age group of 18-22. 10. Which celebrity would you suggest who should endorse Wild Stone? As the company says the brand is definitely for male. Wild Stone markets itself as the masculine and mysterious brand in the Indian market. All its campaign revolve around the central theme of seduction where girls make the first move. Had Wild Stone been a person, its appearance would have been a masculine type. Company feels the brand as the masculine and the mysterious type.38 percent of the target consumer feels that Akshay Kumar is the better choice who can endorse the brand. Akshay Kumar the action hero is known better for his masculine nature. So the majority feel Akshay Kumar as the best option for endorsing this brand. They have the same perception as the company. Company also positioned the brand as mysterious if a person.And around 32 percent of the target consumers feel Emraan Hashmi (better known for his mysterious characters in Bollywoodmovies) can be a better option for endorsing the brand. 11. What sort of games would Wild Stone play, if a man? ENJOYS A HINT OF DANGER The Wild Stone brand as a person will enjoy a hint of danger. Company positioned it as a brand which enjoys the risk and adventure. The danger with that adventure is enjoyed. Bungee jumping is considered as the most dangerous game among the options given. 20 people of the total 120 believe that the brand Wild Stone if a person will enjoy Bungee Jumping. But 48 out of 120 believe that Wild Stone as a person will enjoy river rafting the most as it appeals more thrilling and adventurous. REFLECTION- An exterior facet with tangible and intangible areas, and defines the behaviour that identifies the brand the way the brand connect to its customers. 12. If Wild Stone were a person, rate the following attributes: (1 denotes for Strongly Agree and 5 for strongly disagree) CULTURE- An internal intangible facet to integrate the brand into the organization which is essential in differentiating brands. It symbolises the organization and the value it stands for. 13. If Wild Stone a person, please rank its modernity. The company positioned the brand to be modern. It belongs to the young generation. 58 percent of the target consumers feel the same. 14. If Wild Stone a person, which nationality would he belong? The nationality plays an important role in understanding the cultural background of the brand the consumers would associate it to. The brand belongs to the Indian Nationality.58 percent of the target consumers say that the brand is the Indian brand. It belongs to the Indian nationality.17 percent of the target consumers say that the brand is of American nationality. SELF IMAGE Self-image is the external intangible facet reflecting the customers attitude towards the brand. These inner thoughts connect personal inner relationship with the brand. So called: the target internal mirror 15. Describe people who will be users of Wild Stone brand. * More than 1 answer was also given by the target consumers. When the Wild Stone users were asked about how they feel when they use the Wild Stone deodorants or how they fe

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Fifth Business - Character Foils Of Dunstan Ramsay And Percy Essay

Robertson Davies’ novel, Fifth Business, revolves around guilt, competition, and two men who are foils of each other. Although Dunstan Ramsay and Percy Boyd Staunton are parallels to each other, they contrast in a great number of ways. Their awkward relationship plays a significant role in the number of elements which make Fifth Business such an interesting story. While Dunstan Ramsay had never been too interested in competing with Percy Boyd Staunton, Percy from a young age saw Dunny as a rival. When Percy’s brand new expensive sled isn’t as fast as Dunny’s, Percy gets angry and throws a snowball at Dunny, which in turn begins the setting for the novel. The two continue to compete throughout the novel, for things such as Leola’s love, military recognition, and more. Percy’s and Dunstan’s characters contrast in many ways. The most prominent way in which they contrast is their values. Dunstan values spiritual things, while Percy values only material things. Percy is impressed by and yearns for money, while Dunstan could care less about it. Dunstan explains his lack of desire for materialistic things: Where Boy lived high, I lived - well, not low, but in the way congenial to myself. I thought twenty-four dollars was plenty for a ready-made suit, and four dollars a criminal price for a pair of shoes. I changed my shirt twice a week and my underwear once. I had not yet developed any expensive tastes and saw nothing wrong with a good boarding-house. (Page 1...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

My Generation Essay -- essays research papers fc

People throughout the world experience catastrophes, and contentment throughout their lives. Some incidences may impact just their lives, or even the world. People experience occurrences in their generation where only they could have an emotional connection. Ancestors, grandparents, and our parents have experienced situations in their lives, which we could only take a glimpse of. We see the photos, we hear the stories but we don't feel the emotions, which they experience during that time. In my generation there have been events in my life that I classify devastating and memorable. In the following paragraphs I will present the aspects of my generation of how incidences may impact our lives and the lives all across the world. In 1981 the year of my birth, Pope John Paul II and President Reagan, are both shot in assassination attempts. He was the first non-Italian pope in 450 years and the first Polish pope. John Paul traveled widely early in his reign, e.g., to Poland and the U.S. in 1979. Following a trip to E Asia (1981), he was shot at the Vatican on May 13, 1981, by a Turkish terrorist (Zpub). The assassination attempts on John Paul II and President Reagan have lifted a dilemma and gun control. Gun control is government limitation of the purchase and ownership of firearms. The availability of guns is controlled by nations throughout the world. In the U.S. the right of the people to keep arms is guaranteed by the Constitution but has been variously interpreted (Zpub). Some states have strict licensing and other control measures, and federal legislation prohibited the sale of rifles by mail. After years of controversy, the growing number of gun-related crimes pushed congressional passage of the Brady bi ll. Named for press secretary James Brady who was seriously wounded in the 1981 assassination attempt on President Reagan. The 1994 Federal Crime Bill banned the manufacture, sale, and possession of certain assault weapons. In 1984 a Rock n’ Roll Group Queen release their album Queens Greatest Hits Volume I. Without a doubt the album goes Platinum, with hits like â€Å"Bohemian Rhapsody,† â€Å"Another Bites The Dust,† â€Å"We Are The Champions† and â€Å"We Will Rock You†. My favorite song from the album is â€Å"We Will Rock You.† I really enjoy the song because it has personal significance and not only that, but it has a nice beat to it. The song has become an anthem in Am... ...and Elton John. And Steven Spielberg creates movies to help better understand the concept and tragedies of war. This is just a glimpse of what my world/generation was like from 1981-2002. Works Cited Atkinson, Rick.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Crusade.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York: Princeton Press, 1997. Schindler’s List. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Perf. Ben Kingsley, Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes. Videocassette. Universal, 1993. No Author.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Online source   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Reeve, Simon.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The New Jackals.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1999 Rees Mat.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"World Trade Center Tragedy†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Time Sept. 2001 35-37 No Author.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Online source   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ G.I. Joe An America Hero: WPIX 11. New York. 1988