Saturday, August 31, 2019

How does Forster(TM)s narrative style affect the relationship between reader, character and situation? Essay

Forster’s narrative style affects the relationship between reader, character and situation in many different ways. Forster’s narrative technique is often quite muddled. His style of narration wavers between optimism and uncertainty. He is always trying to show and describe one thing but means something else. He starts out with a certain vision, only to have it falter in subtle and frightening ways, and then reaffirms it. His narrative style can be rather subtle at times especially when he reveals his own opinion about a character, it is very indirect. However, on the contrary one of Forster’s narrative techniques is to address the reader directly. Forster also leaves the reader to make their own view on the character; many times he does not reveal an opinion about the character so the reader can create their own interpretation. His narrative style can affect the situation in diverse techniques. Forster can describe the situation in which Lucy can let out her emotion in her conscious and unconscious state, he reefers to music. How he describes general way of being and life in A Room with a View has a link to music. The affirmation from his certain vision comes with an artistic admission. The articulate, dominant narrative voice chooses to have things turn out that way. For example Forster show the readers that life in his novels is rather like Beethoven’s sonnets ‘ They can triumph or despair as the player decides and Lucy had decided that they should triumph’ (Page twenty nine) The music becomes a way to show and relate to how Lucy attempts to convince her subconscious of a certain lifestyle. Forster also uses his artistic admission with Lucy and the way in which Forster narrates his novel affects how the readers view the characters. Using Lucy Honeychurch as an example, the readers gain a connection with her. At the beginning of the novel Forster revealed her immaturity and often showed it with his narrative techniques. Throughout the novel the reader sees that Lucy develops into a more mature character. For example, her break up with Cecil shows the readers that she has finally distinguished her own thoughts realising that Cecil is not the man for her. The situation is narrated through the vision of art. Forster describes Cecil’s constant comparisons of Lucy to a Leonardo. It is based on Cecil’s perception of her â€Å"shadows† and â€Å"reticence†, which are actually signs of her confusion and repression. Lucy is always muddled and the reader sometimes does not comprehend her, it is all to do with her not knowing what she really wants. Just as the reader starts to think they understand her Forster muddles up his narrative technique and ‘throws’ the reader from their thoughts quite subtly. Subtlety plays quite a vital role in Forster’s narrative manner. He uses it in many ways, to describe the characters in deep thought. He also uses it with the character Mr. Beebe. He is clearly gay, just like E. M. Forster himself and Forster states the fact of Mr. Beebe’s sexuality however in an extremely clever and subtle way without making the whole situation too obvious. The indirect narration of the characters plays a major role in the novel. Forster reveals his own opinion very indirectly. It provides a fine example of the highly visual nature of Forster’s narrative style and his concentration of the gaze on characters, especially male ones. The readers can see that he favours Mr. Emerson and therefore Forster makes no criticism towards him. The readers can see that few characters receive full lengthy physical description. However, on the contrary, Forster shows the characters that he is not so fond of, for example, Miss Bartlett. Forster subtly criticises her in his narration. Most of the novel is narrated from Lucy’s prospective and at times from Mr. Beebe’s and Charlottes. Lucy and Charlotte’s relationship is exposed. Forster makes it obvious that Lucy is told what to think by Charlotte. He narrates it in such a way that it represents the freedom (or lack of it) that Lucy has. At the beginning of the novel Lucy is inferior to Charlotte and is expected to think what charlotte thinks and do what she does. It illustrates the opposition of immaturity and maturity shown in the beginning and end of the book. Forster also shows opposition within his narration between the characters. For instance, Ms. Bartlett and Cecil are described as more conservative characters more indoor kind of people and are generally narrated doing things less active. A vast majority of the time they are only narrated doing things inside. However, comparing them to Freddy, Lucy and George it shows extreme distinction between characters because they are more outdoor and active characters, often narrated doing thing outside which then goes on to show the link to the view and how they appreciate it a lot more than Cecil and Charlotte. For example, Cecil refuses to play tennis stating that he was not made to play sport. Overall, Forster’s narrative style affects the relationship between the Readers by subtly favouring the character, by showing criticism towards the character or not criticising them at all and leaving the opinion to be made by the reader. His narrative style affects the situation by linking it to something that the reader can refer to, in this case, art and music. This therefore leads to a much more vivid image of the situation that the reader creates in his of her mind.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Photography Analysis Year

This image by Sarah Ann Loretta can be described as a woman slowly drowning g in water . What makes this image stand out is the atmosphere that is being portrayed in it. It's a moody and dark atmosphere that creates the massive impact in the image. There are 3 factors that create the mood. The expression on the woman's face, the lighting and droplets of rain within the image. The photograph has a low depth of field as it is only focusing on the woman's face.It was taken in landscape format to show the length of the woman's body and this was a v ere good effect as it enhances the atmosphere within the image. This was done by creating a liar GE amount of space around the model and giving the photograph a moody and lonely ape arrange. Keeping the position of the model in the centre it creates the mood that nothing is are undo her which sustains the mood of the photograph. The colors of the photograph is mixed between whites,greens and blacks. Tit the background on the photograph being very dark and murky, Loretta enlarges the mood of the photograph by contrasting the model's clothe Eng to an innocent white, and with the model's serious expression with big, deep almost sorrows LU eyes has brought the image together. HTTPS://www. Licker. Com/photos/laurelling/8637194920/ This is a photograph by Laura Galena and it's called â€Å"facing it calmly†. The pH autograph shows a woman in a red dress walking through a dull forest.This image stands out du e to the contrasting colors between the bright red color of the woman's dress and the dull brow won colors. The photograph is taken in landscape format to accentuate the size of the backer mound which creates a mood towards the photograph. It has a high depth of field showing the ammo unit Of detail around the whole image. Candela used natural light to show the contrasting red dress .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Discussion on Islamic Militancy

Islam is an age old religion that espouses spirituality, and calls for a life of worship, faith work and submission to the will of a supreme being called Allah by following rules, set forth in the pillars of the Islamic faith, in the teaching found in the holy book the Koran and teachings of prophets of the faith. How then can a religion that professes such benevolence and deep spirituality and obedience be linked to acts of terrorism?Perhaps, the most common connection is found in the first pillar of Islam faith, which is; to bear witness that there is no entity worthy of worship except Allah alone, and that Muhammad was his messenger. Taken out of context and blown out of proportions perhaps, to this effect, is the concept of Jihad or a holy war (Pipes, 2002).There is no straight-out definition of what a jihad is, one holds it to be holy war waged against other Muslims who are said to be infidels due to a difference in their interpretation of the fait. On the other hand, another de finition of jihad is the call for Muslims to reject the legal armed conflict in order to attain deeper spiritual state of enlightenment. Why then does this â€Å"militant† brand of Islam thrive?Warner (2001), an American writer, columnist who focuses on Islam posits that it is due to the victories that these militant groups have achieved, that is why this radical ideology thrives. He further said that in 2004, Muslims were on top of the heap, better off that most of their world contemporaries (Warner, 2001). He also said that some Muslims feel the need to be on top again; hence this implies hostile relations with the Western world, as this is seen as the source of their problems (Warner, 2001).While there are only 10 to 15 percent of the Muslim world currently espousing this belief, with approximately one billion Muslims in the world, there are easily 100 million to 150 million of them. Coupled with misinformation, and lack of understanding of the Islamic faith, this is the r eason for such ideology to thrive among Muslims or otherwise.REFERENCESArave, L. (n.d.). Militant Islam thrives on its success. Retrieved February 18, 2009, fromhttp:// /ai_n11439530+why+does+militant+islam+thrive&hl=tl&ct=clnk&cd=6&gl=ph

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Social implications of IT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Social implications of IT - Essay Example It is the fastest growing branch of electronics and computer technology. The distinguishing feature of VR is that its users feel that they are living in the computer – generated scene. VR games and other accessories are generally available with Incredible Universe and CompUSA chain stores. The present estimation regarding sales in the virtual reality market is approximately ninety million dollars per annum; and this is expected to increase to nearly six billion dollars in the future1. Virtual reality can be attributed to Sutherland who performed several pioneering works to develop the concept of virtual reality in the 1960’s. However the phrase virtual reality was coined for the first time in the late 1980’s. Some historians claim that the VR industry emerged during the 1990’s. VR gained popularity due to the extraordinary efforts of the early pioneers in this field2. Virtual reality is a computer – simulated world with which users can interact. These simulations, generally have some common characteristics, such as shared workspaces for the interaction of people with the programme, graphical user interface, real – time action, interactivity and persistence. Almost all simulations can be accessed over the internet. In those simulated worlds, there will be changes to the themes and landscapes, irrespective of the users who access the site. Online real time games come under this category of VR. For instance, Massively – multiplayer online role – playing games or MMORPGS are played in the virtual worlds. These are video games, which allow players to choose the persona of the characters in the play, and these persona are termed as avatars. MMORPGs and other virtual worlds are considered to be social networking programmes. Moreover, players can interact, form clubs, groups and chat with each other3. The availability of personal computers increased in the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Research in Motion Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Research in Motion - Case Study Example These devices revolutionized mobile telecommunications in the world due to their touted initial addictive nature. RIM’s success is cited to have ushered in the in the era of the smartphone industry in the world. A key factor to RIM’s success with their BlackBerry brand was the enhanced emailing capabilities that came with the mobile device. This aspect combined with its long battery life and significant security features made the device a must have mobile devise for business executives, government personnel and other professionals. RIM’s success is attributed to several key factors including its long standing commitment to security and reliability of the service. BlackBerry’s operating system, server system and its carrier infrastructure also add to the device’s superiority in the market. The device is also recommended for its smart features that are characterized by its ruggedness, simple graphical user interface and long battery life. Issues Succe ss for RIM has not been without challenges posed by competitors like Nokia and Motorola, which the company has been able to outmaneuver through innovation and competent leadership. The primary issue or challenge facing RIM and its brand, BlackBerry is change. This is an aspect that been embodied by BlackBerry’s competitors most notably Apple’s iPhone and Samsung. The entrance if these two brands into the telecommunications industry led to the emergence of new platforms and devices. This has resulted in a drastic fall and decline for both of RIM’s share price and market share, an aspect that has been seen as an indicator of RIM’s declining relevance in the telecommunications sector. 1. A critical issue that needs addressing at RIM in order to get back on track to its former solid footing is transitioning to a new operating system. This is the only way that BlackBerry will be able to offer any substantial and significant competition to the current market le aders Google and Apple. BlackBerry needs to develop a new operating system to match the capabilities and features that are being provided by its competitors. 2. The second most important issue that needs to be addressed by Blackberry in order to get back into the ‘game’ is to review it top management strategies. In the final stages, RIM’s decline in the telecommunications industry was characterized by drastic erosion of management protocols. This led to massive resignations and loss of morale and direction for the company, which negatively impacted its attempts of delivering innovations to the market to counter their competitors’ advances. Issue 1 According to Watson (4), BlackBerry’s top leadership and management failed to address a potentially disruptive new trend. This is because they did not recognize the threat posed by the new smartphone revolution introduced by Apple and Google products. BlackBerry believed that these new introductions could not have a meaningful impact on their core business customers. This was because they lacked some key features that were considered essential in a smartphone like the QWERTY keyboard, which can be concluded to mean that BlackBerry dismissed these products as mere other consumer products. The emergence of these new products in the market eroded RIM’s market share to significant low levels. BlackBerry’s repeated failures to honor its pledges to deliver new products to the market that would match the new entrants’ capabilities spoiled BlackBerry’s reputation and credibility to their customers and clients (Watson 11). Blackberry’s operating system became redundant with the introduction of Apple’s iSO and Google’s Android operating systems, which provided broader functional and

Contemporary Issues In Business And Management Essay

Contemporary Issues In Business And Management - Essay Example A global industry can be described as an industry where all firms are competing within the global market in order to sustain and grow. A global strategy is driven by various factors. These can be cost drivers, competitive drivers, customer drivers and government drivers (Sakarya, Eckman and Hyllegard, 2006). We live in a global economy where the time required to cross continents has reduced to a bare minimum. With the help of advantage technologies, it is now possible to initiate conversations within no time. Because of these changes, there has been a shift in the business practices of organisations and more and more organisations are adopting a global strategy for growth and sustainable development (Aharoni and Ramamurti, 2011). A global strategy is the plan of an organisation to compete in these new realities of global markets. For example, in food manufacturing, organisations like Nestle, Cadbury and Kellogg’s have created marketing networks and global distribution based on marketing of their leading brands that are well recognised globally. Key aspects of a global strategy include: The global market should be treated as the domestic market. Establishment of a global marketing mix, differentiating between the national and regional differences such as language, culture and taste. Creating a global distribution and production system, for example establishing factories globally manufacturing goods for respective local regions (Vrontis, Thrassou, and Lamprianou, 2009). Concentrating on the most successful and most recognised products and brands. Since the global market is huge, a substantial amount of profit can be achieved by using economies of scale in terms of production, distribution and marketing. Rather than producing a large number of products, it will be more fruitful to manufacture those products and services which are well recognised and accepted by the customers round the world. Importance of Global Strategy The importance of global strategy ca n be understood from the flowing perspectives: Perspective of a Company With the international expansion, opportunity increases in terms of new sales and higher revenues. Sometimes, it might also happen that the profitability in the home country has reduced due to various unavoidable conditions. In such cases, revenues from the international market prove to be a saviour. At times which are turbulent, they might become the saviour in terms of profit. For example, poor growth and low profits in the domestic market in China were one of the main reasons that forced the Chinese company, TCL, to formulate a strategy with the aim of international growth and expansion. It has continued this global expansion strategy with new factories, new offices overseas and acquisitions with the aim of developing the positioning of its market particularly in the two markets for electronics goods, the European Union and the USA. Apart from opportunities such as new sales and profit expansion, global strat egies can take place because of various other reasons. Oil companies, for example, look for expansion with the objective of securing their resources, a strategy which can also be termed as resource seeking (Bellin and Pham, 2007). Industries such as clothing look for global expansion with th

Monday, August 26, 2019

E-commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

E-commerce - Essay Example The E-commerce revolution has surged forward with applications appearing in the airline industry as equitable with fast and easy modern technology service in the new age. This scientific protocol allows the industry to communicate internally with suppliers and partners and with their customers. Plagued with a series of economic downturns and fierce competition and global critical issues, the airline industry had no other recourse but to adjust and adapt itself to the current business scenario than remain covered in dust as other competitors fly by. Although most airlines were reluctant to engage strategically in electronic commerce giving justification to their highly exceptional personalized service, the Paris Crash in 2000 and the September 11, 2001 downfall made every international flag carrier cringed at the thought of closing its doors forever and were instead forced to lunge for drastic measures to regain its earning equilibrium. Bigger airline industries brainstormed their ma rketing specialists while directors hold close door meetings in the effort to address the problems besieging the entire future of everyone associated with the business. Small players beyond 2003 were still struggling to keep up with the prevailing market scene but bigger players had adjusted faster but then again faced with the critical issue of mass employee lay-off for most of its workers affected by the online economic measures. However the e-business held promises to lower the operating costs of these sectors as well as connections to the wider world in a matter of seconds. Flag carriers like British Airways, KLM, Cathay Pacific, Qantas, American Airlines and Singapore Airlines responded by installing e-commerce platforms as the robust channel for business. The Paris Crash in 2000 and the 9/11 terrorist attacks the following year, coupled by fluctuating maintenance costs, and the future of Concorde was limited despite the expensive modifications after the crash.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Child abuse and maltreatment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Child abuse and maltreatment - Assignment Example Shouting at a chid may cause emotional distress. Abuse of toddlers has greater impacts more than one can see. Neglect and other forms of abuse have both long term and short term consequences including developmental delays, physical injuries, emotional trauma, and aggressive behaviour. As a nurse it is important to recognize the tell tale signs of abuse in toddlers since the toddlers can not express themselves. These include shaken baby syndrome, evidence of poor hygiene, sleep disturbances for the young one, unaccounted for bruises and physical injuries, a child being abandoned or left unsupervised, aggressive behaviour towards other children. While neglect and abuse has been documented, some cultural practices can always be misidentified as abuse. For example, disciplinary practices in various communities; physical punishment is accepted in the low socio economic classes. This means that such cultural differences in rearing children place parents at greater risks of being reported. In Florida over 40 professionals have been mandated to report child abuse cases one of them being the nurses (Cruise & Gorton, 2001). If nurses suspect any child abuse, they can report through fax or phone. The phone number is toll free and open all the time. The fax number is also open for twenty four hours a day. The nurses are required to give the reactions of the child ad

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Contrastive AnalysisPaper Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Contrastive AnalysisPaper - Research Paper Example English as a language has developed over the years to become a language that is not only used predominantly between non-native speakers and native speakers but also amongst the non-native speakers. It has thus become critical for any individual wishing to have worldwide communication, to be fluent and use the language appropriately so as to be understood by others and also master how people from diverse cultural backgrounds use the language. (Wahba, E. 1998) Intelligible pronunciation has proved to be a crucial objective in any pronunciation training course. It’s therefore important to outline objectives that are realistic, relevant and sustainable for the communication needs of the learner. Pronunciation poses a great obstacle in communication thus it should be dealt with cautiously as wrong pronunciation of an item gives a completely different meaning, for instance when one pronounces â€Å"angry† for â€Å"hungry†, â€Å"bin† for â€Å"bean†( Hut haily, K. 2003). Contrastive Analysis and possible problems Several Arabic speakers carry out a variety of abnormal tentative tasks which involve discrimination of words. This entails putting aside words with similar consonantal patterns but with variance in their vowel structure (Huthaily, K. 2003). ... s are less important both in writing and in word building, and the sound identification structure relies on the tri-consonantal roots which are the basis of nearly all Arabic words. Word families in Arabic are completed up of sets of words that share a familiar set of three consonants, but differ in the manner in which the vowels are positioned in the consonantal structure. (White, L. 1989).This kind of word structure applies with much ease among the Semitic languages, but often creates difficulties for learners who want to learn a second language with different structural rules. This is because consonantal structure does not let adequate discrimination of words when its transferred to the lexical structure of English, where consonants are not the only important signals for a reader, but rather emphasizes on the importance of focus on the consonantal structure(Cook, V. J.1992). It’s because of this that you find that most Arabic learners will use a system of this sort in the e arly stages of learning English, though majority catch up with the correct handling of English words. Despite this, a few learners carry on this problem and will make small errors like â€Å"dismal point† for "decimal point" while others may never have this confusion. In a bid to juice out difficulties that face Arabic learners in learning English, scholars have indentified four elements that cause this. .Some learners are confused by sounds such as; /v/ and /f/ as in ‘fist’ and ‘vest’; /p/ and /b/ as in ‘pan’ and ‘ban’; /s/ and /_/ as in ‘san’ and ‘than’. Others put in a short vowel to shatter down the long consonant structures, so as to pronounce them as in /s_pr__/ for ‘spring’; /w___d/ for ‘wished’; /_:sk_d/ for ‘asked’ On the other hand, certain diphthongs

Friday, August 23, 2019

Developmental Biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Developmental Biology - Essay Example After certain number of divisions the macromeres give rise to a pair of blastomeres termed as teloblasts M, N, Q and O/P. It is from these teloblasts that the segments of the annelid are derived in the adult. To draw our fate map we used alkaline phosphatase to help in tracing out the cell lineage of many of the adult structures. Alkaline phosphatase being naturally present in a cell and was an ideal candidate as a marker to trace out the fate map. The blastomeres were injected with high concentrations of alkaline phosphatase and then allowed to develop into their corresponding adult structures. The annelid was then bathed with a colourless substrate which coloured on reacting with alkaline phosphatase. Using this we were able to show that the blastomere A, B & C most probably develops into the ectoderm. The blastomere D though proved to be the most vital with most of the endoderm and mesoderm structures being derived from it. We also show the individual fates of each of the teloblasts and by alternating the time of injecting alkaline phosphatase we were able to deduce many vital facts about metamerisation. From our study we came to the conclusion that most probably the segments are produced from the posterior to the anterior direction and that segmentation begins at a very early stage of asymmetric cell division of the teloblasts. Introduction: The phylum Annelid consists of many species that range from the humble earthworm all the way to the maligned leech, but one common feature that binds them all is their segmented body. This segmentation is termed as Metamerism and each ring like segment is called a metamere. In fact the word Annelid is derived from the Latin word Annelis meaning rings. The Annelid body can be further bisected into two equal halves implying that the body architecture is bilaterally symmetrical. Annelids are also triplobalstic i.e. the embryo has 3 distinct germ layers namely the mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm. It is from these 3 distinct germ layers that all the organ systems arise. The ectoderm that forms the outer layer of the embryo produces the epidermis and the nervous system, the endoderm which forms the inner most layer of the embryo gives rise to the digestive system and its related organs and sandwiched in between the two layers is the mesoderm which produces the circulatory system, muscles a nd connective tissue. As the yolk in the Annelid embryo is equally spaced out a Holoblastic cleavage pattern is seen and thus the cleavage furrow extends through the entire egg. The cleavage pattern seen in Annelids is a Spiral Cleavage which is also seen in other organisms such as sea urchins. During the first of cleavage, the embryo is divided into 4 cells each of which is called a blastomere and are labelled as A, B, C and D. All the blastomeres are of equal size except for Blastomere D which is slightly larger than the rest. The second round of cleavage produces an unequal division of 4 large blastomeres called Macromeres and 4 smaller blastomeres called Micromeres. The macromeres are labelled as A1, B1, C1, and D1 and the micromeres are labelled as a, b, c, and d. The macromeres keep on dividing to produce more macromeres and micromeres and eventually the entire organism is formed. Of special note is the D1 blastomere which further divides to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Importance of Being Earnest Essay Example for Free

The Importance of Being Earnest Essay The Importance of Being Earnest, having being written in the late Victorian period, shows examples of the contemporary societys attitudes to and customs of marriage. These attitudes serve a very important role throughout the play. The problems and trials of marriage provide the basis for this play. Although this theme of the problem of marriage has featured in a number of English authors works, for example Jane Austen, Oscar Wilde adapted the theme in order for his contemporary audience to relate to it, and so the play is quite unique. Act 1 of the play opens with Algernon holding a brief conversation with his servant Lane regarding marriage. We immediately have an insight into Algernons life as a single man; Algernon is more concerned with money and the high life than he is with responsibility and sensibility. He sees that not having a first rate brand of wine, as it was mentioned was the case in marriage, as demoralising. It is not surprising that Algy, later on in Act 1, expresses such cynical views of marriage. Lane touches on the lower classs attitudes towards marriage briefly in this scene. Lane says that he has had very little experience of marriage he explains that he was only married once and that was a misunderstanding between himself and a young person. The humour in this line lies in the point that experience shouldnt normally be measured in the amount of times one is married but the number of years one has lived in a marriage. He also says that it was a misunderstanding, which is intended to be funny, as marriage is an understanding between two persons. We learn more about Algernons views on marriage in his conversation with Jack. Algernon believes that a proposal is business. This is typical of the Victorian gentlemans attitudes towards marriage. The typical view of marriage was that it was more a way to achieve or sustain social status rather than a way of expressing love. Algernon actually believes that marriage puts an end to all romance. He says that girls never marry the men they flirt with. This is an example of one of Oscar Wildes humorous epigrams, what is even more funny is when it is completely contradicted by what Algernon says shortly after: The amount of women in London who flirt with their husbands is perfectly scandalous.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Porters 5 Force for Hotel Essay Example for Free

Porters 5 Force for Hotel Essay The combined forces of an economic recession and H1N1 epidemic are causing the hotel industry to suffer in a time of great challenge. Business travel is down because of the recession and the pandemic has significantly reduced tourism. This paper considers three types of hoteliers in current market conditions in light of Porter’s theories. Now, more than ever, Porter’s well regarded thoughts on business strategy and the Internet, first published in 2001, are crucial to consider and they contribute to an analysis and critique of the hotel industry’s internet strategy. In his Harvard Business Review article of 2001 Porter said â€Å"To find the answer we need to look beyond the immediate market signals to the two fundamental factors that determine profitability: Industry structure, which determines the profitability of the average competitor and sustainable competitive advantage which allows a company to outperform the average competitor† (Porter, 2001). This paper examines the five forces which impact competitiveness within and thus the profitability of a competitor in the hotel industry. From the guidance provided in the Five Factor Model recommendations are made to enhance and refine internet strategy for the considered hotel chains. Hotels The hotels chosen for this paper are: Vintage Inns primarily located in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada, Sheraton Hotel chain and Best Western Hotel Chain. â€Å"Every business must design a strategy for achieving its goals, consisting of marketing strategy and compatible technological strategy and sourcing strategy†. (Kotler Keller,2006) â€Å"To identify rivals in the international hotel industry, current practice is to use price, segment and proximity† (Matthew, 2000). In previous work, Michael Porter outlined three additional generic strategies that could be used. These are: overall cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. â€Å"The point to be understood here is that any company can have a core competence, but it is competitive competence which gives them a chance to win. For example, Ritz-Carlton, Fairmont, Loews, Four Seasons, Intern-Continental, W Hotel, Hotel Sofitel, Le Meridien are ruling the hospitality industry. This is because of there ability to set up state of the art hotels and their ability to provide exceptional customer service with focus on customer relationship management. The customer relationship is a unique selling point (USP). The â€Å"Service† is both their core competitiveness and also their competitive competence† (Trehan, 2005) Porter’s Five Factor Model According to Porter (2001) the internet is an enabling technology that can be used within the context of a good business strategy in any industry. Although the Internet alters industry structures and levels the competitive ground often dampening profitability in the industry, it can be used to encourage and promote greater profitability if properly implemented. The five forces that impact competitiveness which are outlined in Porter’s 1980 work are: barriers to entry, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of buyers and sellers, and the rivalry among existing competitors. In 2001 Porter considered these factors in light of the internet technologies. The influence of the internet has been profound especially in the hotel industry. According to Porter each factor has a different relevance or impact on different businesses so they are presented below in order of impact for hotels. Porter indicates that the great paradox of the internet is that the benefits it creates such as making information easily available, reducing purchasing hassles, and marketing which allow customers to find what is of interest are the very things that make it more difficult for companies to â€Å"capture those benefits as profits.† (2001). The most important determinant of a marketplace’s profit potential is the intrinsic power of buyers and sellers. Threat of Substitute Goods In the hotel industry there is usually another hotel just around the corner. They appear in all price ranges, with varying levels of service and amenities. The constant challenge will always be to get the guest to choose your hotel over the competitor. The internet makes the overall market more efficient while expanding the size of the potential market and creating new substitution threats. Given the potency of this threat a superb internet presence is vital. Another ongoing threat is that another hotel chain may erode your customer base with a newly formulated internet approach or marketing campaign. This is supported by the following quote from Luck and Lancaster (2003): â€Å"The development of value chain process analysis, supported by collaborative event management over the Internet, the structuring and the sharing of customer focused value chain data, powerfully enhance the performance of value chains and of electronic commerce.† Bargaining Power of Buyers Business persons choosing a hotel for business travel are savvy consumers and they are comfortable with computer technology. It has become very simple for them to go online and book a hotel. They no longer need travel agents, corporate travel consultants or middle men of any kind to determine where they will stay. Porter’s model predicts this elimination of intermediaries. Tourists are more and more capable of using the internet in the same way but in another fulfillment of Porter’s model, they are more often bonding together in a novel way. They are finding internet businesses like which will negotiate or discover bargains for them. Both of these processes shift the bargaining power to the end user as the Porter model predicts and these same freedoms reduce the cost of switching so that loyalty is a thing of the past unless a particular hotel uses its one time opportunity when a customer stays at the hotel to deeply impress the customer with a unique and valuable differentiator. Rivalry among existing competitors The rivalry among competitors in the hotel industry is fierce. When potential customers can learn about a hotel on line, the internet reduces the differences among competitors. People tend to seek the best price for the best experience and the tendency is to reduce price to be competitive. The internet covers wide geographical areas so the market is widened increasing the number of competitors. For example, someone who wants to spend the day in the historic town of Niagara-on-the-:Lake can easily choose a hotel in a near by town if the amenities or the price are better. Variable and fixed costs can be different in areas that are more expensive to live and work making it more difficult for a hotel in Niagara on the Lake to reduce their prices to the level of one in nearby St. Catharines. Barriers to Entry The initial investment in the hotel industry creates quite a barrier to entry but certain barriers to entering the hotel market are reduced by the internet. A presence on the internet reduces upstart marketing costs somewhat, and gives the new competitor access to potential suppliers and resources. Even a bed and breakfast can use the websites of large chains to understand the key marketing concepts and the lures for customers. Switching costs are usually nil for a consumer. (McNurlin, 2006) A vital barrier would be differentiation. A hotel that can differential itself by location, by service, amenities or some other quality has the potential to attract and keep its clients. Another barrier to entry would be expertise. Unfortunately, in a mobile society employees frequently leave one hotel chain to work in another and they take that expertise in terms of training or of experience with them. It is in the areas of expertise and of differentiation that a hotel can make the greatest impact on its client and thereby on its bottom line. In fact many established companies have synergies between their established business and online technology. Bargaining power of suppliers While this is not a substantial threat in the hotel industry it can have impact especially in the area of labor. With an aging population, there are fewer people to fill service industry jobs and hotels which can attract excellent staff have a greater chance of providing excellent and exceptional experiences to their clientele. As part of their internet strategy all hotel chains should have a section on recruitment for employment. The other supplies that are needed by hotels are also easier to attain through internet channels whether originated by the supplier or by the hotel chain. With their products in greater demand by greater numbers of hoteliers suppliers gain some measure of power by competition for their offerings. Recommendations All of the hotels listed above can benefit from internet applications that produce greater value in the value chain. The firm’s infastructure can benefit from financial and ERP systems. Communicating with investors can also be done by internet. Human resources can be managed by the internet as part of the overall strategy as well providing internet based self service personnel and benefits, web based training, internet based sharing of information and knowledge and electronic time and expense reporting. Value can be increased by standardizing technology across multiple locations, forming knowledge directories, and allowing real time access to online booking information. Finally, every hotel could benefit by online inventory control and forecasting systems with suppliers. These improvements can all lead to greater profitability (Porter, 2001) Each type of hotel needs to identify its unique strengths and target market and align its internet strategy to support that identity Will the chain choose to be low cost, or to command a premium price? Distinguishing oneself from the competition becomes vital. This can be enhanced by superior technology, through superior inputs, through better training of staff or through better management. Differentiation adds value but the internet makes it hard to maintain those distinctive strategic positions because it eases change to best practices and it improves operational effectiveness. Never the less such distinctions make the business more profitable. By its basic nature the hotel industry is fragmented. The internet makes it easier for travelers from far and wide to learn about the hotel or to order a room but the customer must still come to the hotel for the service. This makes it more likely that the profitability will be there for when sale is easy to transact and complete the profit margin usually decreases. Porter points out similar examples with Real Estate and with furniture sales. Dealing directly is great for hotels. Other than travel agencies who arranged hotel stays the hotel business has always been a face to face business and this normally sustains the economic value of the transaction. For all of these chains the internet complements rather than cannibalizes established ways of doing business. It becomes one more link in the value chain. Every chain listed below should use its website to attract employees and to communicate a philosophy of management. In the employment section the designers must remember that they are communicating not only to potential employees but also communicating the service standards that the guests can expect. Vintage Inns Vintage Inns started in Niagara-on-the-Lake approximately 25 years ago when a recent immigrant bought many of the established old hotels in town. Since that time a focused business strategy has born fruit. It has established itself as a premium priced set of four diamond and five star hotels in an historical town offering a unique and pampered experience to customers who wish to enjoy the old town atmosphere. Its vision is supported by its internet presence. The site is simple but elegant. It is unaffiliated with rewards programs or with alliance programs and it partners with only two other historical inns in Ontario. It caters to those who have the resources and the wish to experience luxurious accommodations, fine dining, spas and the Shaw Festival theatre and the town’s shopping district in the wine country of Niagara. They cater to tourists, business, and weddings. The Vintage Inn website has a high quality video presentation that attempts to give the viewer a sense of the luxury, indulgence and pleasures available while staying at Vintage Inns. It communicates that the experiences of the town and its resources and history are highly integrated with the luxury experience of the hotels. Internet brands are difficult to build because the tangible experience of physical presence and of human contact are missing but the Vintage Inns video on its website goes a long way toward addressing this branding need. From Porter’s research a hotel chain such as this must differentiate itself to compete. It has chosen first class luxury and setting as differentials. The internet strategy must support those strategies emphasizing an all-encompassing luxury in a setting that provides an arts, cultural and historical experience in every aspect. It needs a website to communicate luxury, unique and pampering experience, to take bookings and demonstrate potential products and services. Like many luxury items, marketing by referral and exclusivity has its appeal so it should not ally with other hotels for internet marketing. They must not join any sell-off sites or organizations to offer rooms at discount prices for that would undermine their luxury status. Similarly joining â€Å"reward programs† would reduce their sense of upper class exclusivity. Alliances on the website must be limited to other luxury experiences such as helicopter rides, exclusive golf clubs and Shaw festival theatre packages, horse and buggy rides to historical sites and specialized wine tour experiences. These act as ‘complements’ in Porter’s view and raise profitability by being uniquely paired with the service provided in a manner that is not available anywhere else. The website must also indicate the hotel’s expertise in providing uncomplicated luxury experience. It should also steer away from any vestige of â€Å"sale prices†. It must erect an internet barrier that says that there is no substitute for luxury and no replacement for a true historical experience. Sheraton Hotels Sheraton Hotels Chain is a worldwide concern. They provide luxury and upscale full-service hotels, resorts and residence and is the largest brand serving in the Starwood alliance. The needs of luxury and upscale business and leisure travelers worldwide are their focus. â€Å" From full-service hotels in major cities to luxurious resorts by the water, Sheraton can be found in the most sought-after cities and resort destinations around the world. Every guest at Sheraton hotels and resorts feels a warm and welcoming connection, the feeling you have when you walk into a place and your favorite song is playing a sense of comfort and belonging. Our most recent innovation, the [emailprotected](SM) with Microsoft, encourages hotel guests to come out of their rooms to enjoy the energy and social opportunities of traveling. At Sheraton, we help our guests connect to what matters most to them, the office, home and the best spots in town.† The luxury experience is limited and focused on the bed, bedding, modern room dà ©cor and complementary spa products in the room. It is augmented by staff training and room service. As Porter pointed out in his 2001 article, some things must be excluded to focus on what the company does best. The website must be easy to use, communicate a comfortable level of luxury for primarily modern business travelers to worldwide destinations, and encourage booking. It also must indicate that the welcome feeling is part of what the staff is trained to provide as an expertise. IT also communicates the standardization of expectation worldwide and the meeting of the human need for connection as a differential. Alliances and reward programs make the cost of switching higher. Especially for the business traveler, for whom rewards are personally redeemable, staying with the chain provides rewards that the individual can enjoy only if they return whether on more business that costs him personally noth ing or for a discounted or free personal stay. This is a clever way to increase the cost of switching.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Effects of Wnt-3a and Wnt-5a on Proliferation of HEK293 Cell

Effects of Wnt-3a and Wnt-5a on Proliferation of HEK293 Cell Letong YUAN 1. Outline how you decided how many cells, how many wells and how much Wnt to use.   Please do not repeat anything in the protocols your answer should just explain concisely and clearly how and why you designed the experiment in the way that you did (250 words max). We were provided with three cell lines but we decided to investigate the effect of both Wnt on the proliferation of one cell line, HEK293 cells, limiting the number of variables in the experiment. Unlike MDA-MB-231 and MCF7 which are breast cancer cell lines, HEK293 is derived from human embryonic kidney cells in tissue culture and are non-pathological. As the average doubling time of HEK293 is 24hours, we decided to seed HEK293 suspension cells at 1X105 cells/ml (suggested by Thermofisher ©) in each well containing 500 µl medium. We used 16 wells in total on two 24-well-culture plates, i.e. 8 wells on each plate as illustrated in figure 1. We used two identical plates as cells are not viable after PFA fixation. After 24 hours, as the cultures are in log phase, an escalating amount of Wnt, namely, 0, 5, 20 and 50ng, was added for the investigation of HEK293 cell proliferation in a concentration-dependent manner. The amount of Wnt added was suggested by Reischmann et al, 2015 and limited by the amount of Wnt provided. 100 and 200ng could also be tested if enough Wnt were provided. Figure 1 Schematic diagram of amount of Wnt added in each well containing HEK293 cells. Two of these wells are used as cells on one plate was fixed after every 24 hours. 2. Describe your cultures non-quantitatively (i.e. qualitatively) (200 words max). At 0h, cells tend to be spherical or have elongated shapes and plump with a high density, then they were passaged. After 24h, cells attached to well surfaces as they settle down and then started to differentiate. Some cells have developed one or more antenna-like projections for better attachment and nutrition, while spherical ones are non-adherent. 2-9 cell clusters could be observed, whereas few dead cells were present. At 72h, cell clusters with more than 20 cells were normally seen. Being polar, HEK293 are fibroblastic cells. 3. Analyse one characteristic of your cultures quantitatively including a well-presented and informative graph and a photograph that illustrates the graphed result (think about what makes an informative graph). Have a look at some primary cell culture papers to see how data can be presented clearly and thoroughly. What should you always have on the graph of an experiment looking at the effects of a cell signal on cultured cells? The number of cells show an increasing trend with an increase amount of Wnt-5a added. The addition of 50ng results in almost twice as many cells as in 0ng. Wnt-5a triggers noncanonical signalling pathway. Anomalies in data are possibly because of a non-representative image taken. Its effect can be minimised by having replicates in this experiment. Another contributing factor is the inaccurate particle analysis by imageJ, whose effect can be minimised by taking the mean of numerous results. 4.Briefly suggest a possible mechanism behind your result or, if the ligand has no effect, suggest why this happened. Please note: no effect is not a failure there could well be solid ICB reasons why there was no effect recorded and you can still produce an excellent write-up (200 words max).   Ã‚   Wnt activates signalling cascade through canonical/ ÃŽ ²-catenin Wnt signalling pathway (e.g. Wnt-3a) or noncanonical/ ÃŽ ²-catenin independent Wnt signalling pathway (e.g. Wnt-5a).   In canonical pathway, Wnt binds to frizzled 7TM receptors. Then LRP 5 or LPR6 activates dishevelled (Dvl), triggering the inhibition of GSK3. ÃŽ ²-catenin accumulates in the cytoplasm because of the disassembly of the destruction complex containing APC, Axin and GSK3. In noncanonical pathway, ÃŽ ²-catenin is not involved. Daam1 activates small G-protein Rho, which activates ROCK. Figure 3 In the absence of Wnt, ÃŽ ²-catenin interacts with APC, axin, GSK3, and CK1 forming a degradation complex. The phosphorylation of ÃŽ ²-catenin triggers its degradation. Croucho kept Wnt-responsive genes inactive by binding to LEF1/TCF. The presence of Wnt clamps LRP and Frizzled protein together. The phosphorylation of cytosolic tail of LRP by members of degradation complex causes the disassembly of the destruction complex, which prevents the phosphorylation of ÃŽ ²-catenin and allow its accumulation. Excess ÃŽ ²-catenin can be translocated into the nucleus without degradation and it replaces Groucho and activates the transcription of target genes mediated by LEF1/TCF. These genes are essential to processes like cell attachment, cell proliferation and differentiation.   This explains the addition of Wnt promotes cell proliferation and differentiation. 5. Suggest a possible future experiment to investigate if/how this ligand has an effect on the cells you tested (200 words maximum). Be bold and creative here and try to push yourself beyond, try different concentrations. To see if and how the ligand influences the cells, one way is to assay Wnt-responsive gene product, e.g. ÃŽ ²-catenin, by Western blotting. After Bradford assay determining protein concentration in cell lysate, run a SDS-PAGE gel and transfer the gel onto a nitrocellulose membrane. Analyse the membrane with primary antibody against ÃŽ ²-catenin, then incubate with corresponding secondary antibody. It is possible to add an inhibitory component of the Wnt signalling pathway, for example Apc protein (Albert et al, 2015) that binds to ÃŽ ²-catenin and induces its degradation. Wnt-responsive genes should be kept silence by Croucho bound to transcription regulator LEF1/TCF.

Importance of Weight and Physical Appearance in Figure Skating, Running

Importance of Weight and Physical Appearance in Figure Skating, Running, and Dance Do sports that demand intensive training such as figure skating, running, and dance, place an unhealthy emphasis on the weight and physical appearance of athletes? Participation in athletics has many benefits. Young athletes improve their physical and mental health, self-esteem, and self-confidence from their participation in competitive sports (Burney, 1998). In sports like gymnastics, dance, figure skating, and running, where athletes are to be judged in part on their physical appearance, there is a high percentage of disordered eating. Many of these athletes starve themselves to dangerous levels in an attempt to increase their scores and to please their coaches and parents. In general, competitive athletes train six days a week and many of them, particularly young females, burn more calories than they ingest. The stringent demands of these sports, in combination with coaches and judging, are creating an environment that leads many athletes to develop eating disorders in their quest for performance perfection. Many coaches encourage athletes to be lean and fit in order to promote optimal levels of performance. Many young athletes, however, take a coach's or parent's suggestion and interpret it in the wrong way. A young athlete in many cases assumes that the suggestion to be lean and fit means they are fat and need to loose significant amounts of weight in order to win. The desire to be thin, like competitive sports, becomes a competition. Both concepts incorporate the desire for perfection and both require practice and training. The difference is that the desire to be thin, if practiced too long and hard, can lead to death. Studies l... ...ery strenuous on a growing body, and it is vital to educate these devoted athletes at an early age about the importance of healthy living. Works Cited: Beals, K. and Manore, M. 1998. "Nutritional status of female athletes with subclinical eating disorders." Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 98:419-425. Burney, M. and Brehm, B. 1998. "The Female Athlete Triad." Journal of Physical Education. 69:43-45. Pigeon, P. and Oliver, I. 1997. "Intensive dance practice." The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 25: 243-247. Slay, H. and Hayaki, J. 1998. "Motivations for Running and Eating Attitudes in Obligatory Versus Nonobligatory Runners." International Journal of Eating Disorders. 23: 267-275. Ziegler, P. and San Khoo, C. 1998. "Body Image and Dieting Behaviors Among Elite Figure Skaters." International Journal of Eating Disorders. 24:421-427.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Andy Warhol Essay -- Pop Art Andy Warhol Artist Essays

Andy Warhol Works Cited Missing "I just paint things I always thought were beautiful, things you use every day and never think about†¦ I just do it because I like it. (Beckris 110) I just do it because I like it is Andy’s philosophy on life. Andy might just be the most interesting and at the same time the most confusing individual you will ever read about. Andy’s work is like none others. His art brought common day people together and showed the impact of contemporary society and the idea of mass media on values. Andy’s father Ondrej Wharhola is best described as a bald, burly man with a bulging belly and massive upper arms, pudgy nose and bristling sideburns. Ondrej was born in 1889 in Minkova. (Bekris, 6) He was married and living with Julia Warhola, mother of Andy, for three years in Mikova. In order to avoid being drafted into the Balkan conflict in 1912 he immigrated to Pittsburgh without her at the age of seventeen to work in a coal field in the industrial district of Philadelphia. ( Bekris, 7) Julia Warhola was born in a small village in the Capathian mountains outside of Czechoslovakia. Julia was the oldest and prettiest of her fifteen other siblings. She was also said to be the artistic one of the bunch. (Bekris, 7) In 1914 Julia gave birth to a baby girl. Because of the conditions due to the war the infant contracted influenza six months later and died. Julia’s mother was so depressed about the news of the infants death that she died one month later. (Bekris, 8-9) Julia was now reliable for her only two surviving sisters of ages six and nine. For the next four years Julia fled from the soldiers, hiding in woods and barns. She was supposed to be receiving money from Ondrej but because she was always on the run she never saw the money. From 1918-1921 she raised 160 dollars to go to the united states to find Ondrej. (Bekris, 9) Andy Warhol was born on September 28, 1930 in Forest City, Pennsylvania. Or so we think. This is what the original birth certificate read but Andy wanted people to believe he was born in Mc Keesport, or even Hawaii. He also stays true to believe the certificate is a forgery. Most books and other reportable sources confirm that he was indeed born in 1930 but the dates do range from 1925-1931 (Bekris, 10). Andy was raised in a coal mining town in Philadelphia. It was a dark musty town were the sky stayed black. The to... ... 10pm and at 4am on Sunday February 22, Min Chou, the private nurse who had been selected by the hospital from a registry, took Andy’s blood pressure and found it stable. She gave a progress report to the chief surgical resident by telephone at 11pm; presumably while the patient slept. At 5:45am Ms. Chou noticed that Warhol had turned blue and his pulse had weakened. Unable to waken him she summoned the floor nurse who in the words of a colleague, "almost had a stroke" A cardiac arrest team began resuscitation efforts but according to hospital sources, had difficulty putting a tube in Warhol’s windpipe because rigor mortis had started to set in. At 6:31am the artist was pronounced dead. The art world suffered a great lose with the death of Andy Warhol. His personal style will always move forward touching and changing people’s lives every day. Andy was a one of a kind and will never be recreated. To understand his art is a feeling many people over look. It is an every day reminder that we don’t take the time to look at what goes on around us. Now when I walk I wont just look down but all around me. At the trees, clouds, bricks under my feet, and the entire world moving around me.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Shattered Dreams in Stolen Party :: stolen

Shattered Dreams in Stolen Party In the story "Stolen Party" written by Liliana Heker, a girl’s dreams are shattered by the bitter reality of her destiny. Rosaura spends most of her time trying to convince her mother, as well as everyone at the birthday party, that being an educated girl makes her an equal to everyone at the party. She feels great determination to become a part of her friend Luciana’s lifestyle even though it would be rebelling against her mother’s wishes. Rosaura almost believes she has accomplished this feat until she is harshly brought back to reality and faced with her position in life once again. It will be an impossible struggle to overcome the class status that she was born into with the many factors against her. When Rosaura’s mother can tell her starry-eyed daughter who is full of hope and innocence that, "The problem with you, young lady, is that you like to fart higher than your ass" (Heker 1133), it creates a bitterness between them and damages the idea of Rosaura improving herself. The mother does not want Rosaura to go "the rich people’s party," perhaps due to fear that her daughter might experience the cold shoulder from the upper class, or perhaps out of fear that Rosaura might truly make it and leave the mother behind. The fact that this mother could have this incredibly mature conversation with her daughter "barely even nine," and that Rosaura could say to her mother "rich people go to heaven too," indicates the maturity of the daughter as well as her intelligence level that was already higher than her mother’s. Rosaura proceeds to tell her mother what a friend is. However despite her greatest efforts to make her mother understand, her mother continues to keep throwing negative thoughts and opinions at her. The next hindrance Rosaura experiences is at the party. She is confronted by a "high class" young girl who is the cousin of her friend Luciana. After numerous questions about who Rosaura was, the young girl tells her "you are not a friend of Luciana because I’m her cousin and I know all her friends" (1135). Rosaura maintained her ground through the slew of questions thrown at to her. Not until the question of how was she Luciana’s friend came up did Rosaura start to become defeated by her social class. Rosaura recited the line "my mother’s an employee," a face-saving but still revealing statement that had been instilled in her head (1135).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Lab Questions: Latin Music Essay

1. Jazz is a musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the Southern USA. One of the contributions of Latinos to the US, Latin jazz gained popularity in the 1930’s into the late 1940s. 2. They were the original Mambo Kings in New York in the ?40?s and are considered the most innovative and influential orchestra in the genre. 3. Dizzy Gillespie incorporated Latin music into his music by the rhythmical of Latin music with jazz and also using Latin musicians in his band. 4. The Palladium was once a studio in New york but then was home of the mambo where people from different races danced and had fun. 5. The television and films increased the exposure because movies and television shows were exposing some genres of Latin music by dancing and singing in the shows and also in the films. 6. Latin music influenced rock music using some Latin rhythms in their songs to make their song even better. 7. Latin music had such a great influence on the development of popular music because popular music were using some Latin material in their songs and people were amazed to what they were listening to so more and more artists were using Latin rhythms in their music and It sounded great. 8. Well yes because I love dancing so when I listen to some songs to dance to I can hear the Latin material in the songs and it amazes me to know that Latin music is really a big part of our music culture.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Management – Swot Analysis (on Maker Studios of Youtube)

The Assignment (Question) Management paradigm today is all about the contingency or situational approach based on the ever changing business environment. Organizations are constantly affected by the external environment and must adapt or influence the environment in order to be efficient and effective. Choose any international or local MNC or SME. Make a SWOT analysis of this organization and explain how it is affected by the external environment. Write on how this organization can utilize the 4 functions of management in order for it to be efficient and effective. Include conclusion and recommendations.You must use terms found within the study of management and are encouraged to look up various textbooks and journals to find these terms and to gain additional knowledge on management through exploration. Introduction of the company If you were to be familiar with the functions of Youtube and have been surfing the site for quite a while, you might have heard of the company named †Å"Maker Studios† quite a bit. This company consists of major Youtube celebrities like ShayCarl, LisaNova, KassemG, iJustine and even the top subscribed Youtube content maker, RayWilliamJohnson.To the audience who uses Youtube for other functions such as â€Å"how-to† videos or music videos of their favourite stars, they might wonder, what does this company actually do? On the other hand, to people who have shown much interest into killing mainstream television programmes with internet through Youtube would understand the major functions of Maker Studios. Maker Studios specifically is talented in creating videos of the two widely accepted genres: Comedy and Music. They create filming sets, music studios, green screen areas and even an editing office for their employees in Venice, California and the upcoming New York City branch.As quoted from their website, it was mentioned that they receive 70 million subscribers and 650 million monthly views across more than 400 channe ls (Cited: http://www. makerstudios. com/about/ ) and thus is one of the Youtube Partner Channels in the Internet Media Business in the States aside Vevo, the top partnership channel with more than 59, 709 thousand unique views in the year 2011 after generating over 844 million videos in the site itself according to Will Richmond on the 22nd of August 2011 on videonuze. com. (Cited: http://videonuze. com/article/comscore-vevo-is-top-youtube-partner-channel-by-far) SWOT Analysis of the company |Analysis | |Strength |The strengths of Maker Studios is such that they gather all the talents throughout the internet media and help them | | |make their videos and find sponsorships and viewership for their creations thus allowing people to fulfill their | | |dreams yet not having to worry about making a living. As quoted from one of their investments portfolio in | | |greycroftpartners. om, â€Å"the company has developed unique insights into what kind of content works best with YouTube | | |audiences and how to cross-promote and move audiences around its network† (cited: | | |http://www. greycroftpartners. com/2011/04/maker-studios/), it thus supported the efficiency in catching up with the | | |constantly shifting trends of the internet and intelligence in hiring talents into the company in its complicated | | |business sector which attempts to forge deep connection with audiences all over the globe. Cited: | | |http://www. hollywoodreporter. com/lists/maker-studios-280389) | |Weakness |An evident weakness of the company is such that they have limited branches (Venice and upcoming New York) reaching out| | |to the content creators online thus only able to work with people in certain areas of the States. Another is that | | |there might be a high possibility of the competitors of this internet business catching up on the innovations that the| | |company could have been roducing as â€Å"there aren't going to be any drastic programming changes — this i s about | | |expanding on existing success,† as quoted from former Disney’s Digital Division’s Executive – now Chief Programming | | |Officer of Maker, Chris Williams on variety. com. (Cited: http://www. variety. com/article/VR1118052288) | |Opportunities |The internet community is getting larger day by day and having Hollywood catching their eye on the industry’s | | |productions once in a while is also creating more viewership for the audiences all over the world.For example, there | | |are artistes looking for help from the Maker productions for causes which they hope to help and thus film videos like| | |Jane Lynch (popular from Glee series) and Steven Tyler in ShayCarl’s video in attempt to â€Å"Save The Arts! † (cited: | | |http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=IKzUZ7KvAnI=UU77WzpPRrYr0W5oeFjVIqwQ=1=plcp) or even being on the | | |news like ShayCarl’s 4th child, most commonly called â€Å"Rocktard†, who showed faced in a video did (cited: | | |http://www. outube. com/watch? v=AyXsZJwzIrQ ), are opportunities to expansion of the company’s network in creating | | |bonds with the internet community through bonding in use of comments or video responses or even simply joining the | | |company’s forces in using their talents thus creating opportunities not only for themselves but the company’s in | | |developing differentiated content through new, personalised and innovated ideas that sometimes the television isn’t | | |capable in providing for the audiences expectations. |Threats |Threats of the company consists of other major competitors such as VEVO (which generates content from famous | | |celebrities or musicians) and promotes them on Youtube through main pages or dominated the rights towards usage of the| | |contents such as music or even portions of the film.As well, the media is currently still competing with the | | |traditional media such as television and even tho ugh they are probably even ahead of them in the entertainment sector | | |but is beaten down (by people who did not know of the facts and begin cyber bullying the Youtubers’ content) due to | | |mere fame and acknowledgement of the society like LisaNova’s impersonation of Sarah Palin. It was mentioned on | | |nytimes. om that â€Å"She uploaded her Palin video more than a week before  Tina Fey  did her impersonation on ‘Saturday | | |Night Live’. † And that her response towards which was that â€Å"trying to get on TV would be going backwards in my mind. | | |It’s a waste of time. † | | |(Cited: http://www. nytimes. com/2011/04/11/business/media/11youtube. html? agewanted=all) | A Macro-Environmental Analysis o Law and Politics Law and politics with the Maker Studios is not part of any problem that the company could be facing now as the company started up in 2006, they personalize their services to the creators and aid them through their specific earnings after creation. As well, they hire to produce their content (music, digital, filming and etc) in videos hence not entitled to copyright law bridging. o Economy On allthingsd. om it was said that, transparency towards their earnings is through and able to be checked by their partners hence they would be reliable to the investments of the money in their company as well as being honest to their employees in the functions and well-being of the organization. (Cited: http://allthingsd. com/20120309/exactly-how-much-did-that-skateboarding-dog-earn/) As this is an internet business, the company will be affected if the economy fails in terms of people being able to enjoy their productions or not thus earning them money.However, with this current upscale of the internet committee, the company is in safe hands through the advancement era. o Technology Technology is crucial to the business. As it is one of the factors to which whether or not the audiences tune in becaus e of the graphics, the quality of sound and the editing of the videos to the stunts in a film, the professionalism of sets, Maker’s standard of productions as mentioned by nytimes. om was that â€Å"the green screen, film crew, actors and expensive cameras and lights, it went far beyond the typical one-man YouTube videos filmed in a basement with a webcam† hence, once again, supporting their constant follow-up with technology to suit the needs of their mass of talents who are eager to please their audience with great standards of film. (Cited: http://www. nytimes. com/2011/04/11/business/media/11youtube. html? pagewanted=all ) o DemographicsAs the internet is more than common amongst people of almost all ages, Youtube contains a very much a wide amount of audience to capture and Maker managed to curb these differences with its gathered talents and their abilities to pursue different crowds. For example, they have â€Å"The Mom’s View† by mothers with diff erent talents and background, catering and supporting to the vast amounts of parents in the internet community; they also have â€Å"Polipop†, featuring Entertainment and Politics Network which is intended to give people who are interested a good laugh at the political factors without having to move away from their computers. Cited: http://www. tubefilter. com/2011/10/29/maker-studios-youtube-original-channels/) o Social Issues and the Natural Environment The internet community is a fast-paced and ever-changing environment for the business to survive in as there are constant evolvement of trends, updates or even jokes appealing to the vast society is one of the constant issues that the business should be updated about. But as the talents in the company increases from the 200 initial partners in August 2011 (cited: http://www. variety. com/article/VR1118040686? efCatId=1009), they get more and more efficient in finding out and dispersing their information as well as being an i nfluence in creating trends for people to follow. An example could be the â€Å"Super Note Challenge† in 2008 (cited: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=v6kaSqGjbk8 ) where several Youtube personalities such as iJustine, Smosh, Rhett as well as ShayCarl and many other Youtubers hosted, encouraging their viewers to post video responses featuring the longest note that they could make (in terms of time) and hence creating a bond and an interest into watching updates of the challenge constantly.As for their efforts in reminding the audiences in saving the environment, Maker Studios also took part in the Ecomagination Challenge – Tag Your Green hosted by GE and they produced videos of their forte in efforts of it. For example, DaveDays, as a musician, wrote a song in reminder of people to â€Å"Turn Off The Lights† (cited: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=xzBV2ZvQfQw ) and ShayCarl brought his children out for a hike while talking to them about recycling and also tau ght them about the environment (cited: http://www. youtube. com/watch? =dAiCGkRoowo=fvst ) thus showing the viewers that they, too, show an example in doing good for the environment. The Competitive Environment Analysis of the company o Rival Firms Rival firms such as VEVO, Machinima. com, blip, Revision3 Internet Television could give threat to the company in terms of their partnership with Youtube and their stand and sponsor to events such as VidCon, DigiTour but the transparency of Maker’s finance gives it a high competitive advantage to win over more talents and variety to channels instead of mere technology and games for which other companies wins at. New Entrants New entrants might find it difficult to sustain without funding in this sector of business as the expectations of viewers are constantly increasing and thus they might, in the end, need help from major firms such as Maker to help them produce films for their channels or get bought over in view of profits. o Cus tomers Maker, as a company which helps one-man video producers find a team to build up his channel, does not call their clients â€Å"partners† and instead, call them partners.So as they proceed on with their moving-image business, the channel owners have full power over their videos and Maker only act as a service provider as well as an opportunity seeker for the Youtuber himself. The bargaining power for customers only lies in the percentage of the money which they receive from the advertisements that Maker could get in return and it was also mentioned in the terms and conditions of the Maker’s contract that this factor would be personalized as according to the client himself. o Substitutes and ComplimentsSubstitutes of Maker would be as valid as the fact that MySpace managed to take over Xanga and Facebook over MySpace. Therefore, it still contains a possibility where Youtube could be substituted by upcoming new video hosting websites online that might turn into a h it overnight like Facebook. On the other hand, like how a replenishing act could aid the sales of the original product, the compliments of Maker is definitely its networking in the Youtube community as they introduce each other on their videos and hence creating the acknowledgement of each other through their channels.Like for example how LisaNova introduced KassemG on her channel by impersonating his comedy and giving people a pre-show towards how Kassem’s humor will be like on his channels and directing people to watch his videos. (Cited: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=bKJ3bVR8Jxg) o Suppliers The suppliers to produce such films on a daily basis at such large quantities is the talents for which the company hires and other than the Disney’s former Executive of the Digital Division, Chris Williams, it is also proven true that they have hired Courtney Holt, the former president of MySpace Music as their COO on hollywoodreporter. com. (Cited: http://www. ollywoodrepor ter. com/news/courtney-holt-myspace-music-president-255341) This thus proved their high recognition and high expectations in their talents to hire hence providing professional content for the online viewers. In relation through application, to what extent planning, organizing, leading and controlling can be applied to the company In relation to application of the management of the company, the company would have to define fixed and strictly accomplishing goals to achieve in terms of the number of views, unique viewership count, the creation of new content as well as the amount of videos to be produced in a business year.However, it might be difficult to manage with the ongoing trends like Hunger Games, Justin Bieber’s new album or even some new celeb-gossip going around in the world of entertainment. Therefore, constant monitoring of progress is needed and more than frequent updating about movement of internet community is important for the growth of the company to expand on their current business in terms of coverage and audiences’ capturing.As well, it is important to have organized teams or crews on a specific project or channel dedicated to the advancements – which is their current system now. With her interview on tubefilter. com, Maker’s founder, Lisa Donovan mentioned that the model of Maker is comparable to the company United Artists back in 1919, first led by Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford and many other artists where it is the first talent-led studio (cited: http://www. tubefilter. com/2011/04/21/maker-studios/).For example, the fixed team whose professionalism is in that particular genre of film, would be sent to RayWilliamJohnson’s â€Å"Equals Three† and â€Å"Your Favourite Martian† would have separately a music team, digital team as well as a team which, at the set, helps him with the humor content for which is going to be in his film. With such a unique form of business, the company requires a ta ll organization which has narrow span of control over the employees and manager rate as they would work in small teams in order to be efficient and effective in discussion and production.It would also thus have to be decentralized, where the employees are able to freely share creative ideas just like in Google, the unformalized manner of generating imaginative content. This would thus allow the company to be able to constantly be attentive to minute matters which might affect the company’s â€Å"originality† competitive advantage as compared to the rival firms. General Conclusions Maker is one of the very few companies around the globe, for which looks at talents in a manner that some companies would not be able to cherish.Even in one of their interviews, they mentioned to even have a criteria for joining in their firm: â€Å"When I am meeting talent, the first thing I want to know is, how committed are they to it? † said Lisa Donovan to Daniel Miller of hollywo odreporter. com. (Cited: http://www. hollywoodreporter. com/lists/maker-studios-280389) Therefore, their accomplishments not only as a firm, but as a big family with similar goals (not only because their own family is associated in the videos) just as ShayCarl have mentioned in one of his videos, is what they have built up and grown together over the years along with the Youtube creator’s fame.Recommendations for the company in the next 5 years As much as the company has accomplished throughout the years, not only expanding on their own success, they have also managed to raise funds with investments as well as convert television celebrities into internet sensations just like Bobby Lee of MADtv having his own channel and being to do crazy things like he would in his previous shows as well as entertain people without having to worry about the technicalities. (Cited: http://www. tubefilter. om/2012/01/30/bobby-lee-maker-studios-the-station/ ) Therefore, in hopes that the new SON Y internet-television could allow people to be in touch with their desired genre of film, Maker should create even higher viewership through making internet-original movies with their professionalism and make the bonding with audiences into even better sensations through movies and interactive comments thus improving themselves thus far. Reference List †¢ Bladwin, D. , October 29th, 2012, Maker Studios Scores Three Channel Deal with Youtube Originals, http://www. tubefilter. com/2011/10/29/maker-studios-youtube-original-channels/ Bladwin, D. , January 30th, 2012, Maker Studios Reboots The Station With Bobby Lee, http://www. tubefilter. com/2012/01/30/bobby-lee-maker-studios-the-station/ †¢ DaveDays, October 31st, 2010, Dave Days – â€Å"Turn Off The Lights† (Music Video), http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=xzBV2ZvQfQw †¢ Grey Croft Partners’ Investor’s Portfolio, April 15th, 2012, Maker Studios, http://www. greycroftpartners. com/2011/04/mak er-studios/ †¢ Hustvedt, M. , April 21st, 2011, Maker Studios Raises $1. 5M For Creator-Founded YouTube Studio, http://www. tubefilter. com/2011/04/21/maker-studios/ †¢ Kafka, P. March 9th, 2012, Exactly How Much Did That Skateboarding Dog Earn? , http://allthingsd. com/20120309/exactly-how-much-did-that-skateboarding-dog-earn/ †¢ Lamp4137’s Youtube Channel, June 30th, 2011, Rocktard On Some Weird Local News Thing, http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=AyXsZJwzIrQ (Original Shaytard’s) Excited Baby! http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=JrKT4eYHwiM †¢ LisaNova, November 17th, 2010, Tripping Bros! (LisaNova does KassemG UNCUT), http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=bKJ3bVR8Jxg †¢ Maker Studios (About Maker), April 15th, 2012, http://www. makerstudios. com/about/

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Bpo Attrition- the Problem and Its Solution Essay

Human Resources In Indian Business Process Outsourcing Organizations- Attrition. Is there any solution? Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is likely to be the next big thing for services in this decade. The industry is very diverse, with several sub-segments, each displaying its own unique characteristics. The BPO players need to be excellent in every facet of operations as the market is highly competitive at every level and re-defining itself every day. Being a People-Centric industry what are the people issues that, the HR will have to handle? What are the challenges faced by HR in dealing with them? HI Before this, one needs to gain an understanding about BPO’s and what businesses are Indian companies doing in this segment? BPO is based on the premise that whatever competencies are not very important for an organization   (not their core competencies); outsource or ask somebody else who is adept at doing it, to do it for the organization. In this way the organization can concentrate on its core competencies and not worry about on trivial issues, which are not strategic in nature. But these days we even find organizations outsourcing their core competencies or the core business aspects to BPO’s to gain the advantage of cost cutting and quality issues. Typically, BPO would include call centers, problem solving in insurance sector to other sophisticated activities like research and other back office dealings. India has the advantage of low cost, highly qualified English speaking labour, thus most of the BPO ventures in India are call centers, although of late, companies are entering into high-end areas like research. But for sometime at least we can assume that most of the companies would be doing the call center kind of business. Most of these kinds of jobs get done in the night in India to account for the 12-hour time lag between US and India. Over a period of time the biological rhythm of the employee changes, causing various kind of disorders like indigestion, fatigue, headaches etc. so the health of the employee is a major concern for the HR, more so because most of them are graduates in their early twenties. In addition the jobs are monotonous, often nerve wracking. So it is a challenge for HR to adequately rotate the jobs of employees and provide them with enough time to refresh, so that they are able to deliver service of highest quality. Although many companies are targeting fresh graduates, they are not able to retain them. Attrition continues to be high 35%. HR has to ensure that a proper career path is chalked out so that graduates increasingly see this area as a potential career for them. Clients in US, UK and other European Countries are very quality conscious and as increasingly complex jobs get outsourced, it becomes important that HR ensures right quality people are selected and the right quality of training is provided to them. This ensures that later they do not face embarrassing time from their clients. There has been enormous requirement in this sector for manpower and huge salaries are up for taking. The times are good for this industry, but one has to keep in mind that this industry is still in its way to figure out in the growth stage. One cannot predict the future so easily and the sour experience of software companies is still fresh in minds. So a little bit of caution is to be exercised in this matter and proper trends have to be forecast by the HR to ensure that they do not go the software way when ultimately the industry stabilizes. Attrition †¦ A major problem rocking the Industry. Some Facts to Ponder about†¦ * 95% companies in the industry have Attrition problems * The small-sized and medium-sized companies loose more people * Turnover rates are as high as 30% in some reputed BPO’s and over all around 35% in the Industry. Employees move to smaller companies for exciting opportunities and greater identity and move to large companies for defined roles, clearer career paths and better HR systems. Loyalty towards their employer or towards the organization has slowly seems to have disappeared. Executives know that fast-moving markets require fast-moving organizations that are continually refresh ed with new talent, and they have become quite adept to outside hiring. Even companies are quite comfortable with bringing in talent; they remain distinctly uncomfortable about seeing talent leave. The competition to headhunt employees with good performance ratings of other organizations is an open ploy. The mediators (so called Consultants) make this job easy for the organizations by gaining the data bases of employees and they lure the employees by offering huge pay packages finally making them to move from their job. One of the biggest assets of the BPO Industry is manpower. So, the biggest challenge in this industry is to attract and retain knowledgeable manpower. Today, BPO companies are facing a shortage of knowledge workers because the rate at which they lose employees is almost ouble the rate at which they hire. A major proportion of the turnover issue is attributed to the movement of manpower to the Companies who lure them by offering either better pay or higher designation. The average stay of an employee in bpo companies has dropped to one year. In such a scenario where companies are fighting to combat global business competition, and struggling to survive, employee turnover comes as a double blow. And the issue of managing employee separation often gets ignored. Just because a business is dependent on Communication skills, for instance, doesn’t mean that it has to go to great lengths to retain its employees. If there’s a large pool of people with good communication skills available, it might want to focus on recruitment rather than retention. Moreover, since new hires have lower salaries than long-term employees, the company is able to keep a lid on compensation levels. Cooperating with competitors is another way of dealing with retention. Because of the intensity of talent-war, companies instinctively view retention and recruitment as competitive exercises. But history shows that cooperation, even among competitors, can be one of the most effective ways of dealing with talent shortages. A New concept called Anti Poaching agreement between BPO organizations is on the Move. According to this agreement, the parties getting in to the agreement will share their employee databases with each other and so will restrain employees to shift in to each other companies. Lets hope that this works good for the BPO’s. Frequent job-hopping of employees is not good for any one, neither for the company nor for the employee in terms of Growth.

Discretion in the Criminal Justice System Essay

Shifting the amount of discretion within our justice system could be for better or worse, but why fix something that’s not broken? Although most police officers use discretion, â€Å"Many police officers (and whole departments) prefer to focus on the justice aspects of police work: getting offenders off the streets, responding to emergencies, scoring big drug busts, and generally ‘catching the bad guys. ‘† (Fuller, J. R. Pg. 6. ) No matter how much discretion you give an officer, it’s ultimately their choice to use it. Although it is common throughout the criminal justice system, some authoritative figures don’t use discretion in a way to guide punishments; they stay in accordance with established guidelines. In my opinion, depending on the severity of the crime discretion should or should not be used. For example, discretion should be used for a first time offender for speeding but should not be used for a first time offender of rape. â€Å"The police are typically the first contact that young victims and delinquents have with the juvenile justice system. As with adults, law enforcement serves as the gatekeeper to the justice system. † (Fuller, J. R. Pg 17. ) It is extremely important for a police officer to make the decision of introducing a juvenile to the justice system. The responsibility for authorities to use discretion is crucial for a juvenile’s future. With adults, less discretion could be used because they have a greater sense of morals. In today’s society I have personally seen adults expect leniency just because, for example, they have a police organization bumper sticker. Enforcing the law for adults who are habitual offenders is necessary to uphold order. One can only push society and the law so far; at some point you must face the consequences. As we talked about in class, the 3-strike rule is a fair method of deciding who should be held accountable. â€Å"Three major studies were commissioned to examine police practices in detail and to update the 1931 Wickersham commission report (National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement, 1971). These include the report of the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice (1967) entitled The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society (1967), a report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (1968), and a report of the National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals (1973). Each of these commissions was a major undertaking by a large number of scholars and practitioners who focused on solving some of the problems in both policing and the criminal justice system as a whole. The commission reports include multiple proposals to tighten the controls over police discretion, including the use and abuse of force. † (Alpert, Dunham. Pg. 11. ) Whether for good or bad; laws shape citizen’s views of beliefs, actions and character. Unfortunately not all systems of morality and discretion are used properly. Discretion should be used in moderation and to preserve order in society, not used in excessive amounts to threaten the law’s purpose. In summary, I feel discretion is a necessity. With our overcrowded jails, police and judges need to use their training, insight and experience to keep the public safe from individuals that have no regard for the law. Bibliography * Alpert, Geoffrey P. ; Dunham, Roger G†¦ Understanding Police Use of Force: Officers, Suspects, and Reciprocity. West Nyack, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 2004. p 11. * Hagan, F. (2011). Ch 1. Essentials of Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology (pp. 1-45). New York, New York: Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition. * Fuller, J. R. (2008). Juvenile Delinquency – Mainstream and Crosscurrents. New York, New York: Prentice Hall, 1st edition. * Owen, S. S. (2012). Foundations of criminal justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Apple App Store VS. Google Play: The Security Showdown Essay example

Some of the topics that will be discussed and compared and contrasted between the two application (app) stores are, developer registration, application code signing, and the application vetting process. Let it be reiterated that these security controls apply to just the app stores themselves and not to the overall security and the security controls that are also available as part of the device and its operating system. These are the precautions that are taken by the companies w... ... Painter, M. (2012). HP – Top three mobile application threats. Retrieved from: Sabatini, M. (2012). Google Play (Android Market) vs Apple App Store – 2012. Retrieved from: Signing Your Applications. (2014). Retrieved February 11, 2014 from Svajcer, V. (2012). When Malware Goes Mobile: Causes, Outcomes and Cures. Retrieved from: Symantec Corporation (2013). Internet Security Threat Report 2013. Retrieved from:

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Why car seat belts should be a law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Why car seat belts should be a law - Essay Example Research suggests that making seat belt use a primary offense does not result in reduced death rates, enforcement of law to wear seat belts in the car can adversely influence behavior, and risk is an individual factor, hence enforcement of seat belts only affect the external behavior posing higher risk to others including cyclists, pedestrian and other drivers. Proponents of imposing penalties for not using seat belts claim that increasing penalties increases the usage of seat belts, studies suggest otherwise. Even though states treating seal belt usage a primary offense reported that seat belt was used 74% of the times and those as a secondary offense reported usage at 61% times, these data do not prove that usage of seat belts has led to decreased traffic injuries and fatalities. No jurisdiction that has passed a seat belt law has shown evidence of a reduction in road accident deaths (Kopel, 1999). It is important to note that some people wear seat belt with or without enforcement of law. In 1996 in New York, when non usage of seat belt was a primary offense, it was observed that despite 74% usage, 46% of its fatally injured car occupants were wearing seat belts. In Iowa, with 75% usage of seat belts 50% of its fatally injured car occupants were wearing seat belts. Wyoming had no primary law enforcing seat belt usage but 72% usage was re ported. Thus, these data amply suggest that imposing penalties and treating seat belt usage a primary offense has not known to reduce accidents. Secondly, people would use seat belt even if no law is enforced. Enforcement of law to use seat belt in the car can adversely affect human behavior. In a study, when subjects who normally did not wear seat belts, were asked to do SO, they were found to drive faster, followed closely and braked later (Kopel). People who are naturally cautious would wear seat belts voluntarily. When reckless people are forced to wear seat belts, they drive more recklessly. According to Robertson,

Monday, August 12, 2019

Mass Extinction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mass Extinction - Essay Example I think that this is the possible reason why Douglas Erwin said it is quite difficult to identify which is the real cause of the mass extinction in the past. There are these many factors that contribute; they are all giving different degrees of impact to the environment, which the scientists need to delve into each to know the actual influencing degree. The world population is growing exponentially but the land is so limited. Humans exploit virgin land, like the jungle and mountains. They cut down the jungle and make the mountains flat to make houses and farmland. The equivalence of the whole ecosystem is disturbed. Firstly the flora and fauna in the wild lost their habitat. They cannot even find food that they used to get. As a result, this leads to wildlife extinction. Loss of soil due to loss of plants also caused the river- and seabeds to become shallow. This is obvious with the increase of sea water level. The situation becomes worse when the pole's glacier starts melting due to greenhouse effect! Eventually, the increasingly warming atmosphere triggered the people's interest to study the global warming phenomena. This is how the greenhouse effect situation was discovered. It is estimated that about 15 to 37 per cent of the species will become extinct from now to 2050 if the climate keep on changing (Kirby, 2004). The causes of global warming were identified: excretion of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, water vapor and methane, use of aerosol products and depletion of jungle land and ozone layer. Carbon dioxide and methane will trap heat in the atmosphere. They are the by products from the use of fuel energy. Meantime, depletion of jungle land reduces the number of green plants that can convert... The world population is growing exponentially but the land is so limited. Humans exploit the virgin land, like the jungle and mountains. They cut down the jungle and make the mountains flat to make houses and farmland. The equivalence of the whole ecosystem is disturbed. Firstly the flora and fauna in the wild lost their habitat. They cannot even find food that they used to get. As a result, this leads to wildlife extinction. Loss of soil due to loss of plants also caused the river- and seabeds to become shallow. This is obvious with the increase of sea water level. The situation becomes worse when the pole’s glacier starts melting due to greenhouse effect! Eventually, the increasingly warming atmosphere triggered the people’s interest to study the global warming phenomena. This is how the greenhouse effect situation was discovered. It is estimated that about 15 to 37 percent of the species will become extinct from now to 2050 if the climate keeps on changing. The causes of global warming were identified: excretion of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane, use of aerosol products and depletion of jungle land and the ozone layer. Carbon dioxide and methane will trap heat in the atmosphere. They are the by-products from the use of fuel energy. Meantime, depletion of jungle land reduces the number of green plants that can convert the carbon dioxide gases back to oxygen. The increase of methane gave the similar effect to the environment, methane plays an important role in the previous mass extinction.